Ch.12: Consequences

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Its alredy been 3 days since the League of Villains attacked U.A. Thankfully to Izuku's and the other Pro Heroes, there had been no major casualty. Both Allmight and Izuku had been rushed to the hospital as they were in critical condition.

In Recovery Girl's private hero hospital.......

'Ugh, I feel like shit right now, my body hurt all over.' Izuku whined in his mind as he slowly opened his eyes.

After he woke up, he noticed that he is in an unfamiliar room and he is bandaged  up everywhere.

"Seems you're already awake Midoriya." Recovery Girl said as she walked inside while carrying some light foods to eat.

"R-Recovery Girl? Where am I?" Izuku asked confused.

RG: "You're in one of my private hero hospitals, as for why you're here you fell right after your fight with AFO and sent unconscious for three days straight."

Izuku: "Is that so, by the way is everyone fine?!"

RG: "Yes everyone's alright except you and Allmight. All the villains have all been aprehended, except AFO that is since there was nothing left of him after your confrontation. Also Midnight went full panic mode when she saw your condition so be prepared when you see her."

Izuku: *awkward laugh* "Thank goodness, how is Allmight right now?"

RG: "He is currently resting to the other room, his injuries aren't that life threatening."

Izuku: "That's a relief."

RG: "But Izuku, when I was examining your body I noticed tha-"

Izuku: "I know that already."

RG: "What do you mean?"

Izuku: "I already knew the consequences of using my quirk to that degree and I'm not regretting anything."

RG: "This is no simple matter Midoriya!"

"It's fine RG, everything's going to be just fine." Izuku replies with a kind smile.

RG didn't know what to say as she just looked at Izuku in a saddened expression.
1 week has passed....

"Did you hear, Izuku is supposed to come back to school today!" Mina exclaimed.

"We know Mina." All of Izuku's girlfriends in 2-A replied in unison.

"So the school's hero has finally returned huh?" Ochahoe mocked.

Momo: "Could you please not be such a bitch first thing in the morning....bitch."

Hagakure: "Yeah, Izuku basically saved your sorry gravitational ass so stop your whining like a baby."

Kirishima: "Oh roasted, I felt the heat from up here. That was so manly!"

"You!" Ochahoe grited her teeth.

The door suddenly opened revealing Aizawa together with Izuku who is full of patches.

"Izuku, Izu, Honey, Darling!" All the girls simultaneously exclaimed except Urabitch.

"Hey guys, long time no see." Izuku greeted with an awkward smile.

The girls were then about to pounce on him when Aizawa stopped them.

"As you already know, problem child is not in the best condition right now so could you please refrain yourself for the meantime?" Aizawa said with his usual tired tone.

"Boo, what a killjoy." Mina pouted.

Aizawa glared at her and made her to do a reflection paper by the end of the day. Everyone laughed at Mina's crying face.

"Midoribro, how have you been? You have my greatest respect for putting yourself at risk to stop those villains." Kirishima excitedly greeted.

"Yeah, you're so cool and brave even though I hate to admit it." Bakugo growled as he gave Izuku a light brotherly hug.

"By the way, you look so badass right how though." Kaminari said examining Izuku.

It seems Izuku retained his long hair and he seems sharper looking than before.

"T-thank you everyone, let's go back to our seats now class is about to start." Izuku said slightly embarassed.

The students goes back to their respective seats as class started.
'If only I could experience days like this for a little bit longer, that would be my greatest happiness." Izuku thought as he gazes to the open window.

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