Ch.1: Suffering

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Class 2A's afternoon is nothing out of the ordinary except for Izuku's growling stomach but thankfully it's quiet enough for anyone to hear.

"Oi Deku, meet me at the park after class." Katsuki growled.

"Okay Katsuki." Izuku replied.

(BTW in this story they are not living in dorms)

After class, Izuku said goodbye to his so called girlfriend and started heading to the park. After he arrived Izuku saw Bakugo waiting for him in the swing.

"Yo Katsuki." Izuku talked first while sitting on the other swing.

"Oh you're here Deku."

Izuku: "So what is it you want to talk about?"

Katsuki: "I just want to ask how you're hangin right now since aunt Inko is... you know..."

Izuku: "I'm doing fine, just some hitches here and there."

Katsuki: "Don't lie to me, where do you even get the money to buy round face something that expensive?!"

Izuku: "Oh you mean the necklace? I bought it for her since she wants it so much and I couldn't resist her."

Katsuki: "That's your problem, youre too kind hearted when you can't even buy a piece of bread with your money left."

Izuku: "So you saw me huh? Well that's embarassing."

Katsuki: "Don't you dodge the topic here nerd, does roundface even know of your situation right now?"

Izuku: "I dont want to bring that topic on her since you know she also have problems with her family financially."

Katsuki: "CUT THE CRAP!! Can her situation even compare to yours?!! She still has family that's supporting her but you, you're surviving on your own barely hanging by a thread while also making money for aunt Inko's hospital fee!."

Izuku just sat there not saying a word while having a blank look on his face when he heard about his mom.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned that." Katsuki said apologetically.

Izuku: "Don't be, I know youre just worried that's why you said that. I assure you I'm doing fine.

Bakugo stood up from the swing and said: "You sure?"

"Yep." Izuku replied smiling.

"Well then I be off since it's almost evening I bet the old hag's going to scold me again." Katsuki snickered.

"Yeah, see you at school tomorrow." Izuku answered.

"See you nerd." Katsuki said while walking away.

Izuku just stood there smiling to the departing Katsuki. When Katsuki was not out of sight anymore, Izuku's smile faded away like the sunset replacing it with a sorrowful face.

Izuku went home then showered and put on his casual clothes consisting of a plain white shirt, a ripped fit jeans, and a pair of snickers.

"Time to go to work!" Izuku encouraged himself while deep down he just wants to curl up in a corner of pure darkness.

Izuku then opened the door and headed out.

While walking, Izuku stared at the dark sky but full of stars.

"I know it's a shameless work but I have no choice, I have to do it to survive in this world full of pain and suffering. I'm doing this for you mom, I hope you get well soon." Izuku thought to himself while a single tear dropped from his emerald eyes.

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