Ch.8: New Izuku

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It's been three days since Izuku last attended class. Momo and the others what he is doing right now. When Izuku left Momo's house after his rest, nothing was heard of him ever since.

It was a typical day for the class 2-A students until the door opened revealing Izuku with a fresh look. He got a haircut making himself more handsome than usual. He even gives of a mature vibe.

The girls went drooling at the sight

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The girls went drooling at the sight. The guys were surprised to see this much change on their little ol cinnamon roll.

"Where have you been this past few days you damn nerd." Katsuki yelled wrapping his arms around Izuku's neck.

Momo: "Yeah Izu, what have you been doing at that time?"

Izuku: "Just cooled my head of some things, don't worry."

Tsuyu: "Izu? So your calling him like that now Momo? kero."

Jiro: "She got a jump on us again."

"W-what are you girls saying?!" Momo stuttered while blushing.

"What's up, how have you been Midoribro?" Kirishima greeted.

"Im fine, how about you guys?" Midoriya replied.

Denki: "Were fine, we didn't know you're in such a situation. We're sorry we judged you too early bro."

Izuku: "It's cool, don't sweat it."

They were having their friendly conversation when suddenly Ochahoe entered the classroom.

"So you still have the face to come back here?" Uraraka said glaring at Izuku.

"Oh hi Uraraka, I'm also student here
so why wouldn't I?" Izuku replied smiling.

Ochako: "Trying to pretend nothin happened?!"

Izuku: "Since when did I pretend that nothing happened? You can say anything you want I don't care."

"Youu!!" Uraraka said fuming with anger.

"Okay girls let's get back to our seats class is about to start." Izuku said turning towards Momo and the rest.

The girls were surprised to see Izuku's demeanor has changed, his stuttering has also disappeared somehow.

The classes started just like before. Aizawa didn't bring up Izuku's circumstances as he just kept quiet about it. It was now lunchtime and the class are heading towards the cafeteria to eat.

Izuku and Bakugo shared a table to eat lunch but suddenly they were accompanied by Momo and the other girls except Ochahoe.

"What da heck are you bitches doing here?" Katsuki growled.

Mina: "Can't we?"

Hagakure: "We can sit here right Izuku?"

Izuku: "Calm your horses Kacchan, yes feel free to join us."

Katsuki: "Tsk."

"Yey!" the girls cheered in unison.

They started eating their lunches when suddenly Ochahoe past by them linking arms with a guy in another class.

"How does it feel to see your girlfriend with another man?" Monoma taunted Izuku.

"Who are you even?" Izuku raised an eybrow.

"This bastard, anyway you are not worthy of my Ochako so back off." Monoma smirked.

"Do what you like, just don't ruin our appetite." Izuku shrugged.

"How can a shameless person like you say that?!" Ochahoe yelled.

Izuku: "If I'm shameless, what does that make you?"

"You bastard! You crossed the line, how dare you talk to my girlfriend like that!?" Monoma shouted as he went for a punch.

The punch connected on Izuku's face but he didn't even budge. Monoma's hands broke when he punched Izuku's face.

"AAHHHH!! My hand!!" Monoma shouted in pain holding his broken fingers.

"Remember you started it." Izuku said as he stood up.

Izuku grabbed Monoma's head and slammed it on the ground molding his face in it. Monoma passed out with a bloody nose. Ochahoe tried to fight back but was scared shitless when she saw Izuku's eyes emitting extreme bloodlust.

Izuku: "Get the hell outta here."

Ochahoe carriedMonoma to Recovery Girl's office to mend his broken nose and fingers.

"Ahahahahah! Round-face and Shit-face. What a great combination!" Katsuki laughed his ass off.

Izuku: "You don't have to laugh that hard Katcchan."

Momo: "You were so cool Izu."

Izuku: "Thanks, now let's continue eating."

They finished eating their food when Izuku's uniform is tucked by the big sister of class 2-B.

"I'm sorry for what happened Izuku, I will thoroughly discipline that Idiot later." Itsuka apologized.

"You don't have to apologize on his stead. It's fine really." Izuku smiled reassuring Kendo.

Itsuka just blushed red while regrouping with the rest of her classmates. Izuku on the other hand was pulled in by the jealous girls. They then walked on to their classroom to take afternoon classes.

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