Ch.4: I'm Sorry

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Izuku was now going to his class undenounced to him someone was eavesdropping to his conversation with Midnight.

The nothing eventful really happened the whole afternoon except for Izuku getting a call from Midnight.

On the phone......

Izuku: "Hello, who is this?"

Midnight: "It's me Izuku."

Izuku: "Midnight-sensei, how did you get my phone number?"

Midnight: "Don't sweat the small details, I want you to come at my place tonight to talk further about your situation."

Izuku: "Okay sensei if that's what you want."

Midnight: "Great! Meet me at the park at 7."

Izuku: "I got it, see you later tonight."

Midnight: "Yeah."

Izuku then hung up the phone and started heading home to take a quick bath. After around 6:30, Izuku put on a black shirt and a red shorts accompanied by one of his old sneakers.

He then dashed to the park using 3% of his One-for-All. When the arrived, he was mesmerized by a beautiful lady wearing a long dress with a scarf wrapped around her neck sitting on one of the swing. The lady then took notice of Izuku.

"Oh Izuku you're here." the lady said.

"Are you? Midnight-sensei?" Izuku asked a bit surprised.

"Who else would it be dummy." Midnight laughed.

"It's just that you look really lovely in that dress." Izuku replied scratching the back of his head.

Midnight: "You really are a smooth talker aren't you."

Izuku: "I'm not lying to what I said, you really are beautiful probably the most beautiful woman I've seen."

Midnight blushed madly from Izuku's statement.

"Uwa, he called me beautiful!" Midnight thought to herself cupping her cheeks.

Izuku: "Umm, Midnight-sensei are you okay?"

Midnight: "I-I'm fine, by the way when I'm not in my hero costume just call me Nemuri."

Izuku: "Then..... N-Nemuri."

"Good!" Nemuri said as she wrapped her arms on Izuku's.

Nemuri: "Let's go."

Izuku just nodded.

They started walking towards Nemuri's apartment, along the way they stumbled upon the motel in which Izuku was doing his nightly job. The sight made Izuku flinched a little as shame enveloped his whole body. Nemuri noticed this and gripped Izuku's arms tighter.

"Are you okay Izuku?" Nemuri asked worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, just remembering some bitter past." Izuku replied with an awkward smile.

"If you say so." Nemuri sighed.

They finally reached Nemuri's apartment.

Nemuri: "Come in."

Izuku: "Pardon my intrusion."

Izuku sat on the couch in the living room while Nemuri goes into her bedroom.

~Nemuri's POV~

"I actually invited him over!! My heart won't stop beating loudly, what's happening to me?!"

I covered my beet red face finally realizing what I just did. I have never onced invited a man at my place so I'm quite nervous. I stood up and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

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