Ch.7: Warm Care

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It's a silent and relaxing afternoon. The birds were chirping as if playing a mellow music, gentle wind brushes through the trees, the ray of sunset kissing the cheeks of the still sleeping Izuku. Everything was beautiful when suddenly.....*CRASH* *BAAM*

A horde of girls forcefully opened the door to Izuku's room making Izuku jump out of his bed.

"W-what happened?!" Izuku yelled still half asleep.

"Izuku were here, are you okay?!" The girls said in unison.

All of Izuku's girl classmates came, as well as Itsuka Kendo, Yui Kodai, and Setsuna Tokage.

"What are you all doing here?" Izuku wondered.

"I told them what happened to you and they urged me to let them come." Momo replied.

Mina: "Are you hurt anywhere Izuku?"

Jiro: "Yeah, you're covered in bandages."

Hagakure: "I'm going to make the one's that hurt you pay for what they did!"

Itsuka: "That's right."

Tsuyu: "Im in ribbit."

"I-It's okay guys, I'm fine." Izuku interrupted.

Setsuna: "How can you be fine if you're wrapped like a mummy."

This gained a few snickers from the rest of the girls. Izuku just blushed from embarrassment.

"While I'm thankful that you came to check up on me, but you didn't really have to waste your time on me like this." Izuku said.

"What are you saying, I love you Izuku. It's only natural for me to be worried." Mina responded.

"I love him more." Jiro added.

"No, I do!" Setsuna growled.

"Okay girls stop fighting. Now that you confirmed Izuku is safe you can start heading home now." Momo butted in

"Heh, you just want to hog him to yourself." Hagakure teased.

"W-what are you saying?! I clearly do not." Momo said embarrassed.

Hagakure: "I'm just joking hehe."

Tsuyu: "We should get going now."

Mina: "Take care of Izuku for us Momo."

Momo: "Will do."

The rest of the girls then headed their separate ways and gone home. Momo is left with Izuku all alone yet again. She tensed up as she don't know what to do or how to strike up a conversation first.

"Those girls are really lively aren't they." Izuku started breaking the silence.

"Y-yeah." Momo replied with a awkward smile.

Momo then noticed tears forming at the side of Izuku's eyes. She got worried and asked if Izuku was okay.

"I'm alright, it's just that I haven't experienced someone worry about me that much for a very long time." Izuku smiled wiping his tears away.

Momo felt her heart tighten as she just wanted to hug Izuku tightly in her arms to ease his pain.

"I'm sorry you have to see that." Izuku laughed awkwardly.

"Don't be Izuku, I'm happy you can express yourself infront of me, means that you trust me." Momo smiled.

Momo: "You don't need to pretend to be strong, show your pain so that we can help ease it up."

Izuku: "Thank you Momo-chan."

Momo: "It's my responsibility since I'm now your lover."

Izuku blushed a bit while Momo on the other hand was even a darker shade of red. She was so embarrassed by what she said that she ran out covering her flushed face.

"Momo wait, where are you going?" Izuku asked trying to stop her.

Izuku didn't get a response as Momo just kept running until out of sight.

"*sigh* I'm really fortunate that I met you Momo, and everyone else." Izuku thought as he got pulled by the warmness of the blanket once again.

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