Chapter 15: Hate

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AKjsdijsdfjskdsjf I feel so bad I've been leaving you guys on sort of intense cliff hangers, welp, anyways Luna loves Mustang and Mustang loves us, but it doesn't end just yet. Imma kind of follow the whole story line and I want to include Roy's rage scene and all of that... 

Enjoy this next chapter:

Mustang and I were headed for the sewers, we were meeting up with the others. Everything was happening so fast...

The crew was all together again, and the Fuhrer's wife.

Time Skip

We found ourselves fighting off soldiers from left to right, there was a lot of commotion. The citizens were all confused, but then again, so were we.

Things were going smoothly for our side, but our resources were running out fast.

"What will we do now Colonel?" I asked him, I looked up at his tired face.

"There should be a supplies truck coming here any minute now." He replied.

There was a loud honk, and a woman hopped out. Everyone climbed in and we drove off out of town.

Me and Riza joined Mustang, we headed underground, there were voices echoing from the chamber below. 

We were surprised to find Edward and Scar down there, and they were fighting these nasty humanoid looking things.

"What the hell are these things." I called out to Ed

"They're soldiers created by the philosophers stone, but they aren't even human." He said back, I shivered at the thought, so these monsters were a result from the philosophers stone as well.

I focused my attention back on the horrible things that were before me. I snapped my fingers, and instantaneously wiped out atleast twenty or more of the nasty things.

"Nice work Lieutenant." Mustang said, he patted me on the back and aided me with the nasty things.

Our group fought off the nasty things for some time, and eventually we heard a large crash.  There was a body approaching us, it was Envy.

Envy spoke for some time, and I could tell that things were going to get very bad. Envy announced himself as the killer of Maes Hughes, I shot a glance at the Colonel, his face was already full of hatred.

Mustang began with attack after attack, the smoke was burning our eyes. 

The Colonel was going to kill Envy...

Envy fled back to the strange catacomes that were underneath central. Mustang chased after him.

"We should go after him." I said, I focused my attention back on Hawkeye.

"Your right." She said, we both ran into the gate and followed after the Colonel. She took the right and I took the left.

I met ran into Scar and the others, and there was a loud explosion coming from behind. We rushed over to see the pitiful sight.

The Colonel had his foot on top of something, and Riza had her gun pointed at Mustang's head. We were all shocked to see the sight, what was going on here?

The green object was tossed through the air, and Edward got a hold of it.

Mustang pointed his hand towards Edward, he was prepared to snap.

"Mustang!" I yelled and I slapped him in the face.

"What's wrong with you." I added, I looked into his eyes which were burning with hatred.

There was silence, then the Colonel shoved me out of the way. It triggered the transformation, the other's that were unaware of it turned towards me. 

I slowly stood up, though it was difficult since my leg and one of wings had gotten scratched up in the process. I rushed towards mustang and held a knife to his neck.

"Mustang don't do this, your not a monster. Is this the image you want for the people of Amestris." I said, hopefully my words could reach him.

"She's right Colonel, the people need a good leader, this behavior is far from it." Edward said seriously, I turned towards him then glanced back at the Colonel.

"Mustang, don't become what I already have. The path of hate is pitiful and rugged." Scar said, he too had his hands up, we were all surrounding him.

Mustang sank to his knees and let out a laugh of agony.

"What kind of madness is this? Scolded by a child, lectured by a man who has been my enemy, and you, I've hurt you, I can tell by the look in your eyes." Mustang said, his eyes were on me, and it sent a shiver down my spine. 

I returned back to my human form and knelt beside the Colonel, I held him close to me. Tears were streaming down my face once again.

Time Skip

There was a strange man approaching us from a distance, when was the fighting ever going to end.

The man was the creator of the Fuhrer, and he had brought along some of the failed experiments.

"Help!" Edward called out, his body was disintegrating. He shouted at the top of his lungs, but we weren't able to save him.

We were caught off guard and soon enough the men had gotten a hold of us. There were arms grabbing hold of me, and soon enough I could feel something sharp piercing my skin. I screamed as loud as I could, somehow hoping the pain would stop, but the blade just sank deeper and deeper.

"Lieutenant!" Mustang shouted. 

Mustang's voice was muffled and soon my surroundings were getting blurrier. I could feel my limp body being dragged somewhere, the cold ground was scraping against my skin.

Pride joined us, somehow, I wasn't even sure what was going on at this point anymore.

"Mustang. You must perform human transmutation if you want to save your dear Lieutenant." Pride cheered, his face was even more twisted than before. The innocent child was no more than a monster from the flames of hell.

"Mustang, don't do it." I muttered, my voice was so weak that even I could barely hear it.

The Colonel agreed and chose not to do the transmutation, I felt at ease knowing that I would die for the Colonel's sake.

Mei managed to find the sewers as well, and she managed to heal me just in time. I wasn't sure how she got here, but I was thankful for her abilities.

Pride was angered by this and he soon grabbed a hold of the doctor, he hurt him badly. Mustang was restrained at the same time, and he was pinned to the floor.

"No, that position." I said, but my voice was failing me now at this point.

"No! You can't!" I called out, they were going to make Mustang perform human transmutation.

There was a flash of blue lighting, and soon enough Mustang had begun to break apart just like Edward had. 

I sat there helpless, watching the love of my life fade away into nothingness. I wondered what would be taken away from him, would it be legs like Edward, or maybe his whole body like Alfonse, or maybe something even more valuable. Something that I admired a lot.

Damn ok, well I feel like this was stretched out a bit, but anyways Blind Mustang here we come =(

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