Chapter 5: Emotions

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It was dawn and I had only managed to get 1 or 2 hours of sleep. I was up all night, the nightmare and the run in with Hughes were keeping me awake. My old memories were being brought back as well, and I had tried so hard to forget them.


"Mom, where are you going this time." Luna asked her mother, she was putting on her coat and was preparing to head out for the day.

"Oh I'll be back soon enough, I just need to get medicine for your sister. I promise to make it back by 5 alright." Her mother said kindly.

"Ok Momma." Luna said, she smiled and waved goodbye as her mother exited the home.

A couple of hours had passed and there was no sign of her mother. Soon enough a whole week had passed, and now her sister had recovered from her illness.

"You idiot, why did you let her go out in that storm. She's dead now." Hilda screamed, she didn't realize that her mother had left for her sake.

"Please she was just getting medicine for you, I didn't know the storm was that bad." Luna cried, she got on her knees and bowed for forgiveness. 

Ever since their mother's death, Luna had been treated so cruely, and she was being overworked as well.

Time Skip to 5 months

Luna woke up to silence. Her sister was gone, and there was a note on the dining room table.


Luna, I'm leaving for the East with Richard. Please just forget about me and move on, I already have...

Dont bother following me, I'll already be way ahead of you. There's a job opening in the city nearby, so you should just head over there, since we're selling the house tomorrow.


Luna burst into tears as she read the note, she was truly alone now, and there was no one there to save her from the clutches of evil.

End of Flashback

I was completely exhausted, physically, emotionally, and mentally as well. Yet somehow I still managed to put on my uniform and march into Eastern Command.

"Good morning Lieutenant." Riza said as I walked towards the office door.

"Morning Hawkeye." I said tiredly, I was trying my best to hold in a yawn.

I finally made it to the office, but my head was spinning now, and my vision wasn't as strong.

"Good Morning Colonel." I said as I opened the door. I handed him some paperwork that needed to be signed. Mustang greeted me back, but he looked concerned.

"Are you alright Lieutenant, you look exhausted." Mustang said, his words of concern comforted me.

"I'll be just fi-." I said, but I soon felt myself collapsing. Everything went black, I had passed out.

I woke up in the Colonels arms, he was running down one of the hallways. Mustang noticed that I had woken up, so he gently placed me on the floor.

"Luna are you feeling better." He asked, it was the first time that he had called me by my first name.

"Yes but what happened." I asked, my face was burning up again. The Colonel had carried me for who knows how long, the thought of it made my heart race.

"You fainted, but I'm not quite sure why. Can you answer some questions for me please." Mustang asked, he still had concern in his voice.

I shook my head up and down, and told him about the stress that I had been feeling recently, as well as the insomnia. I mentioned some details, but nothing too revealing, and of course nothing about the homonculi.

Mustang thanked me and helped me up, we walked over to the medical wing, and he layed me down on one of the beds.

"I'll check up on you soon." He said with a smile, then he closed the door.

Colonel Roy Mustang, checking up on me? I got that feeling, but it was stronger now. It always came when Mustang was around, or even when someone mentioned him. I had felt this before, but only for minor crushes in middle school and high school. This time was different, it was intensified and less childish, it was so real.

The Colonel returned after a few minutes, he brought a lunch too.

"Are you ok Lieutenant." Mustang asked once more.

"Y-yes." I said shakily, I didn't hear him come in.

"I've got some lunch, Breda asked me to give it to you." Roy added, he looked calm as ever.

I nodded and continued to glare into his dark eyes, they were so deep and intriguing. 

Mustang left once again, but he wouldn't be coming back this time. I used my time wisely and reconsidered my emotions, especially the ones towards Mustang.

Did I like the Colonel?

 No, I was in love with him. I was madly in love with the Flame Alchemist, Colonel Roy Mustang.

Who wouldn't be though, he was strong and determined. Not to mention he was one of the most handsome men that I had ever come across.

I accepted my feelings towards Mustang, but I knew that I could do nothing about it. I didnt have time for love, I was a dog of the military after all. The Colonel didn't like me back anyways, I would just end up getting hurt in the end.

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