Chapter 6: Death

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Things were going well in the East, though I wish that there were more visitors. Sometimes Hughes would stop by, and that made me happy, since the Colonel always showed a more playful side around him.

It was a rainy day today, Hughes had stopped by earlier, he looked concerned.

"Colonel, is Maes alright." I asked, the Colonel also was worried about his friend.

"I'm not sure, he's on to something though." Mustang said. 

I headed back to my desk, and continued with the papers. The Colonel walked out of the office, it looked like he was headed for Grumman's office again.

"Sooo Luna, you got the hots for anyone yet, maybe another coworker?" Havoc asked, I couldn't help but stare into his big blue eyes. 

"Yeah, there's someone who comes to mind." I said looking down at my hands.

"Who is this mystery person." Havoc asked, though he probably knew the answer already.

"I'm guessing that it's the Colonel." He said. 

I just nodded my head slightly, just in case if Mustang was secretly listening in on us. It definitely wouldn't be the first time that he had done it, he usually did it as a tactic to see who was actually on task or not when he was absent.

"Oh you think he's listening in." Havoc said pointing towards the door.

"I can go check for ya." He said, he walked over to the door and slammed it open, he then proceeded to look down the hallway.

"Well hello Colonel, we were just talking about you." Jean said, but before he could say anything else I rushed over and grabbed him by the ear.

"Thanks Lieutenant. Havoc your even more troublesome than usual." Mustang said, though he had this smile on his face.

Time Skip to Tomorrow

I entered the office, but everyone was silent, and their faces all had depressing expressions.

"Redfield have a seat please." Mustang said, he looked saddened by something.

"Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes is dead. His funeral will be tomorrow." The Colonel said sternly. I felt a tear fall down my cheek, Maes really did end up taking my secret to the grave.

"Redfield, I thought you said soldiers never cry." Mustang said.

"That was a lie sir, I'm sorry."I said.

"That's alright Lieutenant." Mustang said calmly.

The Colonel was angry and sad the whole day, and it pained me to see him like this.

The funeral was this morning, and everyone who was able to make it did. The Colonel was strong and did not cry, which surprised me a bit. I on the other hand was crying harder than ever before.

The funeral concluded, and soon Mustang and I walked along the hill, it was so silent and calm. He faced forward and looked towards the sky, I could tell that he was trying his best not to cry.

"It's a terrible day for rain." He said.

"But, it's not raining." I said reassuringly, what was he saying?

"Yes, it is." Mustang said, and a tear fell down the side of his face. As he said those words I slowly walked over to him, and gave him a hug. He returned the favor and rested his head on top of mine.

"Thank you, Luna." He said calmly.

"Everyone needs a hug at some point." I said, and I let go of him.

"I guess your right." He said in return.

 Mustang left shortly after, we all had the day off anyways. I headed to the bar once more , maybe I could hold my liquor better this time. As I opened the door I noticed some familiar faces, but there was one person in particular who surprised me.

"Colonel Mustang what are you doing here." I asked the Colonel, he looked terrible.

"HeLlO LuNa." Mustang said, his eyes were different than before, he was very drunk.

(Sorry for the short chapter, and thank you for reading my stories)

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