Chapter 22: Resembool

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"Come on, we're going to miss the train." I called out to Mustang, luckily he had shaved that hideous mustache, the one that frightened all the kids.

"I liked the mustache." He pouted, he was alone in the matter.

"It was the right thing to do, now come on you look fine." I said, he did not need the mustache...

I dragged the man out of the apartment and down to the station at central.

We barely made it, and now the train was pulling up to the waiting area. The steam came out of the top, and the horn honked loudly.

We entered through the doors and made our way to the back of the train. 

"So, you excited to see them again. It's certainly been a while." Mustang said, I was looking out the window, a knot was in my stomach.

"Yeah-, Ed and Al, I've missed them." I mumbled, they were some of my first friends at central, and I always loved how they stood up to the Colonel.

"What about you, I know you weren't really on the best terms with Ed." I said, looking at Mustang.

"It wasn't that bad, was it?" Mustang said, he waved his hands around in protest.

"I'm kidding, I'm sure they'd love to see you again. So would Hawkeye." I said, Riza, I felt terrible, she had always been by Mustang's side, now I had taken him away.

"Hawkeye? It'll be good to see her again too." Mustang said, his face was a little red.

I smiled and placed my hand on top of the Colonel's, we were both eager to see all of our old friends again. Though I know that we both wished that some of them could be here with us.

"Hughes, I miss him." I muttered, Mustang's grip tightened and his smile had faded.

"Not a day goes by that I don't think about him, but I'm sure you know that by now." Mustang teased, we get it Colonel, he meant a lot to you.

"I think Elicia and Gracia will be at the party, we should stop by to have dinner with them one of these days." I said, Roy's smile returned and he looked down at me.


Time Skip

The train had come to a halt, though we hadn't quite reached Resembool yet. There was panting as the doors opened, 

"We're-, not-, we're not gonna make it." Other voices chanted, 

A blonde male entered, wait... It was Havoc?

Wait, the others?

"Roy, Roy look." I whispered, he had fallen asleep that fast?

"Oh shit." He muttered, his voice was all sleepy.

"Oh hey." Havoc said, Breda, Faldman, Fury, and Riza turned towards us. I stood up and hugged them one by one.

"It's so good to see you all again." Riza said, the others nodded.

"So, are you all headed to Resembool as well." Mustang asked, he sounded just like the old Mustang, the one which we had all worked under for such a long time.

"Where else would we be going sir." Fury mumbled, we all chuckled at his humbleness.

"We're out of work Fury, no need to be so proper." Faldman teased,

"Sorry, it was force of habit." The small man mumbled, it was fine, we all still called Mustang Colonel, that was never going away.

"So, Colonel, how are things with you and Luna." Havoc said, followed up with a slight smirk.

"I'm right here yknow." I said, folded my arms and sitting back.

"Well," Mustang muttered, I reached for his arm and held up to for everyone to see, his sleeve fell revealing the ring on his hand.

"Oh my." Riza said, she had a slight smile on her face.

"Your engaged!"

"Shh, keep it down." 

Time Skip

"Man that felt way longer than an hour." Breda sighed, we all hopped off of the train, a little more tired than usual.

"Tell me about it." Faldman said chiming in.

We all marched on out of the small station and began walking through the dirt paths. 

"It's beautiful here." I said looking around at the vast flat lands that spread out across the country side.

It must have been hard to leave this place.

"Colonel you sure you know where your going." Riza said, we all folded our arms and sighed, the Colonel's face went red and he put a hand behind his head, something that he always did when he was feeling sheepish.

"Well if your so good with directions then you take us there." He mumbled, I patted him on the back and followed after the others.

Fury took the map and looked at it.

"S-sir, you've got it upside down, we've been heading back the way we came from, w-we need to go back to over there. See that church, just beyond there is the house." Fury mumbled, we thanked him and began running in that direction.

"Hey wait for me." Roy sighed, I spun around and stuck my tongue out at him.

Time Skip

"God we're gonna be late, it's almost four." Havoc sighed, looking down at  the watch on his wrist.

"Why are all of you looking at me." Mustang said, we were all glaring at him with cold eyes, he waved his hands in the air and his face was red again.

"Hey, is that the church you were talking about." Breda said pointing to the large looking cathedral just a few feet away from us.

"Yes, actually." Fury said with a smile.

We all rushed forward and over the hill in the distance, we could practically see the house now. A smile crept on my face as I saw the people in the distance.

We all rushed as fast as we could, watching as so many familiar faces turned around and smiled.

It was so nice to see everyone again...

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