Chapter 41

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"Could you give that cigarette back since yer too young to have one?"

Julian lit it.


"Ugh. I didn't want my kid growing up in my footsteps. I smoked at a very very young age."

"Well, you should've said something five years ago."

"You were smoking for five years?!"

Julian laughed. "I'm joking. Its only been two years."

"Its bad enough you were smoking for two years."

"What age did you start smoking?"

"Uh, that's not important."

"Yes it is. Come on. What age?"

"I don't know but I was very, very young. And you were very, very young when you picked it up."

"Yeh. I can't help peer pressure at school."

"You don't have to fall into every temptation that comes yer way."

"I know. But, some kids were doing it and at the time, it looked cool."

"At the time.............its not cool."

"I know that now."

"Good. Then, ye'll quit?"


"Why? It's a very bad habit."

"I know. You don't need to tell me every time I steal a cancer stick."

"I'm hoping that one of these days, ye'll quit when I say something."

"Did you?"

"Why are you questioning me again?"

"Because yer also smoking."

"I'm of age though. Yer just a kid."

"I will be of age soon though."

"That doesn't matter. I don't you dying of lung cancer."

"Who says I'm going to? Just because one smokes, doesn't mean they will get cancer."

"But its a high chance. You know that. And yer mum better not find out either. Once yer of age, then you can tell her."

"Yeh, yeh. It'll come soon enough though."

"Okay. I'll drop the subject."

"So, have you made a decision on whether you want to join Paul on stage or not?"

"How did you know about that? I didn't tell you!"

"I overheard you telling Yoko last night. What's the answer?"

"I don't know. He really wants me to, but I don't know if I should."

"Why? It'll be just like the old days."

"Exactly. Just like the old days. During the old days, we fought nonstop. We couldn't agree on stuff."

"Just think of it this way, if you join him, you don't have to bring Yoko with you."

"I know. But, we've been going everywhere together for the past 10 years."

"Exactly. There's at least one thing you should have to yerself. Ye've spent way too much time with her."

"I know. I see that now. I just let love get in the way. Maybe I should join him."

"I think you should."

John nodded and looked over at him. "Hmm. I'll let him know soon. But, until then, what's yer plans for today?"

Julian thought for a moment. 

"I don't really have plans. I just took Sean for a walk. Maybe we'll see a movie later on tonight."

"Don't forget, his bedtime is 8pm."

"Okay. This afternoon. We'll see a movie this afternoon."

"That's better."

"But dad, can't I stay up passed 8?" Sean asked.

"No. You can't even stay awake passed 8. We all know that."

"But Julian is here. I want to stay up after 8."

"Well..................alright. But, if yer muther finds out, she'll kill me. Julian, you can have him tonight."

"Great! Would you want to come with?"

"No. Not this time. Maybe next. There's still some things I need to do. I'm writing a new song."

"But, can't you do that later?"

"I could. But I need it done now. Plus, its a song me and Paul are working on together."

"If he lives in Scotland, how are you two going to work together?"

"Um.............I guess over the phone. We just examine what we have together and put it together for a song. Figure out what goes where and all that good stuff."

"Sounds fun. Let me know if you need help."

"You can't write songs!"

"I can't? Says who?"

"Never mind. Yer the son of someone who's written good music. Yer probably almost as good."

"I am good."

"I also don't really want you in fame."

"I'm the son of John Lennon. I'm pretty sure everyone knows who I am."

"Except for that kid at school."

Julian laughed. "Come on. At least he knew who you were."

"True. But he also didn't know what you looked like apparently. Because if he did, he would know that yer my son."

"Maybe. Maybe not."

A car backfired and John jumped.

"That'll give me a heart attack!" He said.

"Just don't think about it."

"It sounded like a gunshot. Of course I'm going to jump."

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