Chapter 14

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The trio headed back to the apartment and walked in. John had been sitting on the couch with his guitar in hand, playing.

 "Seems like he kept himself busy." George said as he approached and sat next to him.

 "If you say so." John said as he put the guitar down and leaned it against the couch. 

 "So, why are you back so early?"

 "Because we wanted to see how you are."

 "I'm fine. Stop checking up on me. I don't need that."

 "Yes you do. Now, are you ready to try again?"

 "Not really."

 "Think ye'll be more comfortable with Paul helping you?"

 "I don't know. Maybe."

 "Okay Paul. Yer up."

 "Come on Johnny."

 "But it's still too much pressure." I

 "I know. That's why we're doing this. So you can overcome this challenge."

 "I don't want to do it."

 "I know. But we can't have you stuck in here all the time."

 Paul forced John to stand up.

 "There. Now, are you ready to go?"


 "Wrong answer."


 "No. Not going to listen to it. Come on."

 John took several deep breaths and took a color steps forward. "Alright boss man. Lead the way."

The two left and headed for the elevator. 

 "Paul, why don't you go back home? I'm sure yer wife needs you more than I do."

 "Not going to happen. She's managing just fine. I talk to her every night. I told her when I'll be back."

 "You don't need to protect me. You do know that right?"

 "I know. But I almost lost the closest person to me. I want to make sure that yer safe." Paul forced John to look a him. "John, that exact moment that my manager called me saying you had been shot, I thought he was joking. But he made it clear that it wasn't a joke and that it really happened."

 "I'm fine Paul."

 "No yer not. Yer falling apart right in front of us. You refuse to leave yer apartment, yer lacking sleep, not eating as much as you used to."

 "No, that part is normal. Was on a diet, remember?"

 "Eat more. Yer too skinny."

 "No I'm not. I think I look just fine."

 "Really? To me, it looks like yer starving yerself."

 "But I'm not. Ye know, before I let you stay here yesterday or whenever that was, I told Yoko that I didn't want to stay on the diet anymore. I might become a vegetarian like the rest of you."

 "You should do that."

 They hit the first floor and left the lift. 

 "Okay. Ready to try again?"


 "Well, how about this, we won't stay out too long and we are going through a different entrance."

 "Good idea."

 John led Paul to another entrance and Pay opened the door. John just stared out without walking.

 "John, it's going to be fine."

 "I want to believe that. But I can't."

 "Yes you can. I know you can."

 John shut his eyes for a second before opening them again. Then, he made the effort to walk outside. Paul followed him and shut the door behind them both. 

John just looked around cautiously. 

 "I can't do this." He said as he tried to make his way back inside but Paul stopped him.

 "No. You can. Don't go back in. Well, not yet anyways."

 "Paul, I can't be out here."

 "Yes you can. Take a minute to calm yerself down." Paul said as they sat down.

 It wasn't too long later before a reporter decided to walk up to the two.

Uh-oh. What's going to happen now? 

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