Chapter 16

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John set the open suitcase aside and sat on his bed. "Did you fly over here in yer private jet?"

 "Yeh. As I already asked, are you sure you want to move a thousand miles away?"

 "I don't know. I want to. I really do. I don't want to stay here. But I also don't want to go out there."

 "I know."

 "I might need a little help leaving this place."

 "You would know that we'd help you."

 "No. Not what I mean. Ye know, when I was growing up in Liverpool, I was taught to stay strong for anything. I wasn't taught to stay strong for this. I don't know how to deal with this. which reminds me, my aunt is probably worried sick about me. I need to ring her."

 "Why didn't you sooner?"

 "I dont know. I guess it never crossed me mind. All she's relying on right now is the news."

 "So call her now."

 "No. when I get to England, I'll just visit her. Maybe even stay with her for a while."

 "Call her up anyways. It might be the last time you talk to her considering she might kill you when you get there because you didn't call sooner."

 John smiled. "Yer probably right. The last time I talked t o her was two hours before. where's the phone?"


George had gone out and got some take out food for everyone. After walking in, he said: "Food's here."

"Yay." Ringo said as he stood up and took the bags from him.

 "Can't you be patient mate?"

 "Nope. I'm starving. what did ye get?"

 "Chinese. Hope you like it."

 "who doesn't like Chinese?"

 "I don't know. Weird people."

 Paul came out to join the other two.

 "Ooh. Food. Smells good."

 "It's about time you joined us."

 "Ey, I've been here. Just........not here, here. Was talking to John."

 "Some talk you had."

 "All good though. He wants to go back to Europe."

 "What's he doing now?"

 "Talking with no aunt. She'll kill him for not calling sooner."

 "Nah. I don't think so." George said as he grabbed some food from the bag.

 "What makes you so sure? Have you met her?"

 "Yes. I have met her. That's how I know. He's the only one she has left. Why's might knock him into next year but she won't kill him."

 "Well you should've heard her on the phone. I was ten feet away from him and I heard what sounded like yelling. I could be wrong."

 "when we're you ever right?" John said as he approached the others.

 "Here he is now. So, is she going to kill you?"

 "No. She was upset that I didn't call sooner but she wasn't as mad as I thought she was. remind me to never get on anyone's bad side." 

 "hungry John?"

 "Nope. Imma pass. thanks though."

 "Are you sure?"

 "Yeh. I'm on a diet. Remember?"

 "I thought you said you were going to get off that diet."

 "I am. Soon."

 "Why not now?"

 "I don't know. Maybe I'll start when I get back home."

 another short chapter!! Enjoy!

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