Chapter 10

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Okay,i'm finally getting back to writing after forever!And i'm going to be making the chapters much longer.I just now realised how short they are.Anyways without further ado let's get right into this,enjoy!

Ps:i might start doing everything in 3:d person.


~With Error~(oh look,it's the ✨bitch✨)

"How long have i been here?"The black coloured skeleton thought to himself."i-i think it's been two-two week's?"He thought once again.

It seems his plan had failed.So maybe it's time for plan B~ He said to himself ,looking up at the vent.


Ink had went back to the base.As he had promised to come back by ten.Of course he wanted to stay snd spent more time with his boyfriend,but a promise is a promise.

"Welcome back Ink!"Said Dream as the prince was cooking.The two god's had forbade Blue from cooking FOREVER.So now it was only Dream who did that.

And imstead The jumpy skeleton got to clean the house while Ink and Dream were working.

Of course Blue wanted to come,but he knew it was better if he stayed behind.

Suddenly Ink's phone rang,breaking the small chat the two were having in the kitchen."Excuse me,i need to take this"The ink blob said,walking out of the room.

"Hello?"Ink said.

"Hey babe~"The mysterious person answered.And by the deep,husky voice the other had,it made it clear for Ink to recognize.

"Oh,hi nighty!"The artist said with glee at hearing his lover's sweet voice.

"So,did you need something?"The smaller questioned.

Oh, yeah!I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?"Nightmare answered.

"Of course!What time?While saying this,Ink was already jumping from joy.

"How about 3PM?"

"That sounds great!"

"Cool,Well,i need to go,love you!"The octopus said,making the smaller a bit sad but said alright and hung up.After that Ink went downstairs for dinner.

"Who was it?"Dream asked,with some suspision.

"Just a friend,nothing else."The artist replied blankly,but Dream could feel the positive emotions radiating from him.

"Alright then..."The positive skeleton said,not fully convinced but letting it slide.

~After Dinner~

After finishing Ink went up to his room to change and sleep,wanting to look pretty for his love.

He changed then snuggled into the warmth of the blankets.Tho it felt as if he was missing something,but shrugged it of and went into a deep slumber.

~The next day~

"A new day for a new adventure!"said Ink with glee but was suddenly replaced by pain and a bit of shock.He felt a small pain in his non-existent stomach along with his soul.

"What's h-happening?Why does i-it hurt?"He said and with another moment he was close to throwing up.

Sprinting to the bathroom,the ink blob almost immidiatly had put his head above the toilet,literally throwing his guts out.

The artist almost passed out from the pain but held strong.

After a while of struggles he had succesfully gotten up and suprisingly managed to open a portal,walking through.

You see over the last few hour's before the incident,Night and Ink had scedualed a date at the multiverse park,which Dream suggested Ink maked for the entire multiverse to be able to take a break at.

When he got to the park,Nightmare was sitting on a patch of grass,watching the little kids play.He looked so handsome and hot but at the same time cute and peaceful.It was a true sight.

Tho Ink's little daydream ended as fast as it came and the pain was back.He waddled over to the skeleton.And he was also in his passive form,as to not scare the people and getting trouble.

Once Night noticed his lover was here,he turned around,and saw Ink wincing as he struggled to walk.


I'm sorry it's short.I just have been working on a new book i might release,keyword,might.Cuz i'm hella lazy and still have to update my published books too.So anyway hope you enjoyed the chap and i'll try to update a bit more early.Bye my lovely supporters!

Word count:708 words

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