Chapter 7

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Requested by lunagc1584

Sorry if it's shitty and doesn't make sense.I forgot where we ended in the last chapter and im sleepy but i gotta get this done before i go to bed,,aaaaaanyways(clap clap)enjoy!

No one's pov💭

Everyone stared at nightmare like they just saw a ghost,Especally killer."What did they do with ink?!"Killer asked seemingly worried."That's what im trying to find out".Nightmare replied with venom in his voice.

Cross:W-we d-didn't do a-anything to h-him,P-promise!

Error:Ugh,It's no use,He know's you idiot.'s already too late.

Nightmare:What did you do?!He yelled making everybody yelp in fear,Except error.

Error cackled but soon turned into a full on crazy laugh.HAHAahAhAHahahhA!You fool!Hes mine now!

Nightmare:No......No,no,no,NO!Y-you didn't!

Error chuckled a bit before clapping his hands and saying.....Darling,come here please!After a few seconds they hear footsteps coming from the stairs.There came ink running in a dress looking so.......happy.Nightmare knew they used a love potion on him because of his eyes.They were emerald green with the shape of a heart Ink came running to error........not nightmare.Nightmare was heartbroken.He wanted-No NEEDED ink.He was DETEMINED to get the love of his life back.

Sorry it's short and probably has a lot of mistakes,But you've been waiting forever so....Here it is!It's shitty i know but atleast you got something.Thanks for reading,Bye!

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