Chapter two

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Inks pov💭

I come through the portal to see a worried dream.Dream hugges me,Ink were have you been?!You've been gone for hours!Dream shouts.S-sorry dream.I said with a shaky voice.What happened?Dream asks with a worried tone.Uhhhh its nothing really dream im fine.I say.O-oh ok then well goodnight!Dream goes back to his usual cheery voice.Hehe night.I walk up to my room and sit on the bed.I cant tell dream the truth.Well i should get some rest.I need to look good for nighty tomorrow!Hehe i change into my pajamas then snuggle up in my bed getting comfy.1 hour later)I cant sleep.I get off my bed and open a portal walking through it.

Nightmares pov💭

I wake up in the middle of the night to a soft thudding.I open my eyes to see.Ink?!I said looking shocked.What are you doing here?I ask softly.I-i couldnt sleep Ink said looking a bit scared.Sigh)Come here.I said softly.He cuddles  up to my chest as i kiss his forehead.Love you nighty.Ink says.Love you too.We cuddle up to eachother falling into a deep sleep.

Sorry its short its like 6:47 right now and im sleepy i'll post the next chapter in maybe a few days.

Anyways hope you enjoyed  bye!

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