Chapter 13

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As requested,i'm going to finish this book.It will probably not be that many more chapters.But i have a plan for the ending.Anyways,enjoy♥️♥️♥️


After the encounter with Dream,Nightmare was feeling better.The bitterness in his soul had lightened by a bit.

But it didn't help with the want of his lover here with him.So he could wrap his arms around the smaller and tell him everything is going to be alright.Tho,that will never happen.

By now,he was no longer in his passive form,and instead replaced by goopy tar.

Night had finally went down to eat something.The gang gave him a worried glance,but kept quiet,not wanting to make him annoyed.Wow,that was a first.

He settled on some toast and a cup of tea.Not really feeling like eating anything other than something light.

Night then retrieved to his room,sitting by the window as rain poured from the sky.Little droplet's could be heard pattering against the glass.

He leaned against the headboard,peacefully taking small bites while drawing little shapes on his soft and fluffy blanket.

The soft patter of rain calmed the octopus into a deep and heavy slumber.

~With Ink~

"Shit,shit,SHIT!"He yelled while throwing his chair at the wall.Anger and rage filled his bones as he trashed around in his room,destroying most of his furniture along with it.

"Stupid Error,stupid,stupid,stupid."Ink muttered onder his breath.

Blue and Dream were downstairs hearing the wreak that was happening in the other's room.Well,this wasn't the first time that this has happened.

Dream had gotten used to it by now,but Blue hasn't.So he was shaking.

Dream wrapped his arms around the other,comforting him as he worridly glanced at the door that lead to Ink's bedroom.

Meanwhile,the artist was lying on the floor,crying and sobbing the only sound that could be heard.

Suddenly,soft patter filled his non-existent ears.Rain.
It was comforting,but it didn't help how much he missed his lover so much.

He didn't care what anyone thought anymore.All he wanted was for the love of his life to be happy.But he probably hated him already.

I mean,seeing your lover kiss somebody else is very heartbreaking,watching as the one you cared so much about drift away from your grasp.

The clock ticked slowly as Ink's eyelids started fluttering closed.And then he was gone,into a deep sleep.

When Dream didn't hear anymore noise,he carefully made his way upstairs,making sure to put Blue to sleep aswell.

The door creaked open,letting him peek inside the other's room.And there he was,passed out on the carpet with things littered around like trash.

Dream sighed.God,what am i going to do with you?He thought while lifting the other,placing the artist on his bed,then tucking him in.

A small smile crepped onto his face.The bond he's gotten with his teammates,it feels unreal.

He'd never have thought that back then,he would be fighting his brother while being apart of the multiverses protectors team.The star sanses.

Dream then went to his own room,changing into his night clothes and brushing his teeth.He'd have to get up early tomorrow to make breakfast for the others.

And so,he snughled into the sheets of his bed,falling asleep peacefully to the rain.

~The next morning~

It was the next day.Dream fluttered his eyelights open,the sun blaring at him.His bones were warmed by the spring weather.It was nice.

He stretched his arms in the air,earning a few pops as he smiled brightly.Then the positive prince arose from the bed,making his way to the wardrobe.

He pulled out his usual pair of clothes,adding on some perfume,and putting on the necklace he always wore.

Back when he was younger,at the village on day,his brother had decided to give him that necklace.He could remember the day so clearly even after all this time.



" you this necklace."Night said to the other.

"Ohhh!It's so pretty!Thank you,brother!"

The negative prince chuckled,before sighing.

"Dream...I-I'm sorry...Just...know that i love you,alright?"

"Uh,of course,brother?"

"Good.Don't ever give up.Promise me."

"I promise."

That was the day before the incident.And now,he finally understood what the other meant that day.He was saying sorry.Because he knew what he was going to do.He planned it.

But even if his old brother was gone,he kept his promise,to never give up.And that's why he's still going.

Dream made his way downstairs,heading straight to the kitchen.Last night he had carried Blue up to his room before going to check on Ink.

He took out a pan,some eggs,and bacon.Taking the bread and plopping them into the toaster.He turned on the stove,cracking the eggs too.Dream took out a spatula and started cooking.A sweet smell filled the room as Blue groggily made his way over,saying a quick good morning before sitting down at the table.

It seems he didn't sleep very well last night,since he was usually very happy and full of energy in the morning.

Soon after,Ink came down looking sad and moppy.Dream sent a worried look to him as the artist walked past him,Basically slamming himself on to the chair,resting his head in his arms.

Blue did the same.Ink was not acting like himself today.The moody face,not even saying good morning,all of it,was so out of character.

And Dream wanted to find out.


Woohoo!Finshed this in one day!Thank you for reading and supporting me!Y'all have really made my day everytime you comment,follow,ect.So thank you.My scedule will be pretty messed up and while take a while to get out chapters,but i'll be trying my best!Love y'all♥️♥️♥️

Word count:983 words

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