Chapter 14

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Sorry for dying on y'all😅Lately i've had absolutely zero motivation to write.But it's finally summer break!And i'll be able to write a lot more now since i have more time on my hands.Anyways,enjoy lovely's♥️♥️♥️


By now,it was time for dinner,they were all gathered around the table,eating quietly.Which was unlikely,since they'd usually be full of chatter.So Dream finally decided to speak up.


The artist didn't hear him,to lost in his thoughts.


"Huh?"The artist jerked up.

"Gosh,what is up with you these days.I know somethings wrong,but i can't help you if you don't tell me.It's like you're in your own little world."

"I'm perfectly fine.I don't need help,Dream."

"Liar!"He yelled,slamming his hands on the table.The other two jumped at the sound.Dream hardly ever got mad,but it was scary when it happened.

Blue glanced worriedly at the creator,the two exchanging a look.

Ink started to think more into the matter.Was he okay?No.No he wasn't.He knew that.The painful lump in his non-existent stomach was getting heavier.But at the same time,he felt empty.

The feeling of being snuggled into the arms of his lover felt foreigh to him now.Like how your grandma used to hug you,knowing she was nere her limit.(Damn,this getting deep😃Also,why am i comparing Night to a dead grandma?👀)

The faint scent of apples were long gone,and so was his happiness.

(So,um,to brighten the mood,anyone ever watched/is watching Heaven official's blessing?I just finished it and i'm sad there's only one season😭😭They say season two's gonna come out in late 2021 or early 2022)

"I-well-It's complicated Dream.I just need some time to think,please?"The creator pleaded,fumbling over his words.

The hard gaze dug into Ink's non-existent soul.Who knew Dream would be this angry.

Dream's eyelights softened.And a wave of relief came to Blue and Ink.Atleast he isn't that mad anymore.

"Fine."He said with a irritated expression.Dream arose from his seat,about to leave.
But before that,Ink grabbed ahold of him."Wait"

The prince let out a small hum,waiting for what the other was about to say."Thanks,for waiting until i'm ready.I promise i'll tell you soon.

Dream showed a small smile,nodding lightly,before taking his leave and heading to his room.

"I'm gonna leave too."Blue said with an awkward smile,also leaving for his room.And so did he.

Ink sat on his bed,looking out the window.The clouds were a beautiful pastel pink,orange mixing with it,as the sun slowly started getting less visible behind the trees and mountains.

Alright,i've decided,tomorrow i'm going to explain and apologize to Nightmare.Then maybe we can talk with Dream together.
Ink thought,his mind fully set to that goal.

He got ready for bed,he had to slepp early for this.After brushing his teeth and changing clothes,the artist crawled into bed,snuggling with the blankets.

Tomorrow..Was his last thought before falling into slumber.


This is so fucking short that i'm hella mad at myself.Also,sorry for the damn preggo thing,i really didn't know what i was doing.🥲

I really feel like quitting this book,but all of you people keep me going.and i love you for that,since i hate when books i like don't become finished.You are all so amazing.

Thank you for supporting this book.It still holds a important place in my heart,since it was were i started with this hobby and possible future:D

Hope you guys enjoyed this very short chapter,love you♥️And don't forget it:))

Word count:618 words

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