Chapter 1

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I dont know why i love this ship so much like the god of creation and the prince of negetivity IN LOVE?!UWU anyways enjoy!

Inks pov💭

I wake up to the birds chirping outside while the sun shines on my face.Dream comes into my room and says ink breakfast is ready!He smiles happily.Alright im coming!I smile.(later)I come down stairs and see pancakes on the table and dream and blue eating and chatting.Morning guys hows it going?I asked.Mweheheh we are good ink thank you for asking.Says blue.Hehe like blue said were
good,What about you?Dream asks.Heh im good.I say while having a face full of pancakes.Wow sunshine(aka dream)you made
these?!I ask dream.Yeah i put alot of love in them too.Dream giggles.Well they sure are good.i respond.(at nightmares castle)

Nightmares pov💭

I sit in my throne bored out of my mind.Everyone were out on missions so i had no one to hang with.I wonder what that ink is up to.WHAT?!Why am i thinking of him?!Ugh i need to cool down.I open a portal to outertale it was the only place i liked.As i go through the portal i see someone.And that someone was ink.WHAT are you doing here.I said as he turns around as he looks at me.I just needed to cool of a bit.He said looking down on the ground.Uh ok? I said looking a bit confused.I sat beside him as he stared at me.Uuuh need something?I asked tilting my head a bit.

Inks pov💭

Nightmare sat beside me.I was a bit shocked as i stared at him.I never knew he could be soft like this.I was expecting him to be agressive and cold but he's just sitting there not even atacking me.I got snapped out of my thoughts as he asked if i needed something.No no im fine.I responded.Alright whats going on with you?!He shouted as it echoed in the star filled space.I-i ive b-been h-having dreams l-lately.i stuttered.

Nightmares pov💭

Ink was stuttering saying he was having dreams?What type of dreams?I asked looking confused.He blushed a pastel rainbow on his cheeks.

No ones pov💭

Nightmare was really confused.Uhhhh i-it was
A-about u-us.Ink said blushing even more now.
Nightmare was blushing a bright blue now curious to know what the dream was about.TELL ME.Nightmare said harshly.Ink whimpered.Then ink did something nightmare did not expect.W-WE FUCKED!!Ink screamed as loudly as he could.Both of them were blushing madly as they stared at eachother in enbarrasment.They kept staring at eachother.Both leening closer to eachother until they were only a feet away.without thinking they were both kissing softly under the stars.

Nightmares pov 💭

We were both kissing softly as ink put his hands on my neck pulling me closer deepening our kiss.I grabbed inks waist pulling him on my lap.He gasped a bit witch turned me on.I licked inks teeth asking for entrance.Ashe did.I started playing with his mouth exploring it.He moans loudly when i do.I chuckle while grining.He gasps as he blushes.We both let go of eachother as we stod up looking at eachother smiling.I-i'll see y-you tomorrow?Ink asks shyly.I nodded then we kissed one last time before we went back home.

Yaaaasss finally finished!!!god this took me soooo long but it was worth it 549 words bois im suprised this is my first ever story and im doing this good like dam anyways bye and have a good day!

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