Chapter 8

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Requested by:miataffy16

I swear everytime i writing something i just have to get a headache,Anyways enjoy!

Nightmares pov💭
I won't let him do this!He was supposed to be MY queen!MY darling!My.........everything.Suddenly i hear a loud noise.Turns out it's my brother and his sidekick,blue.

No one's pov💭

Dream and blue burst through the door an angry dream starring mad at ink.So this is where you've been!?"Dream asked a furious look.Ink could only look at dream with the most empty eyes,dream had ever seen."i-ink?"Blue said,scared.Error started laughing at the two."Oh looki,looki here!Come to see the show?Error said with an evil smirk."W-what did y-you do to him?!The positive skeleton said.Error only held ink tight to his chest,the smaller doing absolutely nothing to stop him.

Cross's pov💭

I saw the worry in those golden eyes dream had.They were so beautiful.I-i think i'm falling for him.Gosh how could i have been fighting this wonderful being for so long?My amazing senpai~I ran over to dream and blue,summoning my knife."Huh cross?"Dream asked suprised i would help him."I'm sick of being the bad guy senpai!"I said with joy."s-senpai?!"Senpai prepared for battle as he stood strong,Oh how i love him!

Nightmare's pov💭

I just stood there in shock and fear at error and ink.But then i remembered,I used to read those fairytale's back when i was still in dreamtale.Then it hit me,A true love's kiss!When the princess was under the evil man's control,The knight kissed the princess turning her back to normal.I ran as fast as i could to ink,my love,no,my everything.I pulled ink away from Errors grasp clincking our teeth together, as he stood there shocked.His eyes went back to normal.He instantly kissed back.

No one's pov💭

The kiss was passionate and full of love.Everyone stared at the couple shocked,While Error was screaming at ink to come here.Ink didn't care,he never did.As long as he was with his love,Nothing could stop him.He could wait A MILLION YEARS for him.

(You will wanna read this!)

So you maybe thinking this is the end but nah.I hate it when someone ends a story just like that ,so don't worry i'll continue it!Hope you enjoyed!

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