Chapter 6

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New chapter woohoo!Cuz im bored as heck!
Now the question is will nighmare get back his future waifuuu?Welp ima stop talking about useless stuff and start writing now.Enjooooy!

Night's pov💭

I was longing for my inky today.So i made a portal to his room but he wasn't there'Maybe hes just on a walk or someting!Y-yeah thats it!I'll just wait till he gets back.


Its been 4 hours!Were is he?!
I was starting to panic.I went looking for him in outertale,underfell,underswap,the doodle squere but nothing.
Were is he!?
Cross walked in on us when we were sleeping together
And i think error has a little crush on ink too....bit that means................THEY HAVE HIM!!!!!!

I stormed to the castle making everybody yelp in the living room.
I shouted anger radiating of me.

No one's pov💭

Error:Why would we know were he is anyway?
Cross:Yeah senpai?
Killer:Uh yeah its kinda weird for you to just suddenly ask for were he is.

Nightmare:Error,cross..........i know you have him.

Woooooo!Did ya'll like this chapter?Tell me in the comments and like i said before please send some requests so i acually have some got chapters to post instead of this bullshit.Anyways bye!

Word count:222

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