Chapter 12

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Warning!Mention's of self harm


Oh no you don't.Ink wasn't gonna let anything bad happen to him now.He had a child to care for,if it's even alive...

He had jumped right when a hand was about to grab him.Sheesh that was a close one.

And of course it was the one and only Error.
What was he doing here?And how did he get out of the cell?

Those question's lingered through the artist's head.And he didn't realize until Error started attacking again.This went on for a couple minutes before Ink got the other trapped.

"What are you doing here?"The creator asked,venom in his voice."Isn't it obvious?For you of course.If i can't have you,nobody can."

That statement sent shiver's down Ink's spine,but he wouldn't let that scare him.Suddenly,what had came next ruined everything.

Error kissed him.The artist tried pulling away but it was to late.Because there in the hallway was Nightmare.And he was crying.

Error had a stone grip on the other,making him stuck.Night ran to the door as Ink finally got lose.But The prince had already left,tears streaming down his face.He was heartbroken.

Because of the surgery and all that stuff,Night had to turn into his passive form for more stability during the transection.He didn't even bother changing back anymore.The one thing that kept his will to live was all fake.

Night's hand's shaked as he opened a portal,walking through almost immediatly.

When he got home,evryone were in the livingroom were just chilling.But they soon got worried when they saw the state the prince was in.

He was surounded by the bad guys.They all were trying to cheer him up.But nothing worked.So they just gave up after a while.

Nightmare had went up to his room,too overwhelmed for all of this right now.He took out a box from under the bed and and opened it,only to reveal a bloody blade.When he was alone,and everyone were out doing something,he would cut.

But the last few weeks with Ink made him stop,thinking that maybe.....he could fix all this.But of course that was all a lie.

He was destined to be lonely and miserable.

One cut,two cut's,three cut's,four cut's,five cut's.

He just kept going,and soon enough,both his boney arm's were covered in bloody cut's.It hurt so bad.

The small prince had went to the bathroom to clean himself up.And after a couple minutes,it had all been cleaned and covered with bandages.

"Hopefully no one will see this"Nightmare accidentelly said out loud.

"See what exactly?"Asked a voice night knew all to well,dust.his voice was very deep and hollow,but had a sence of softness too.

"U-uhm nothing of y-your concern!"The smaller said,trying his best not to break down right then and there.

Dust just shrugged then told him dinner was ready.But Nightmare wasn't hungry at all.So he told the other he'd come soon,of course that was a lie tho.

The hooded skeleton just left after that,not even bothering to say good bye.

The prince stood there for a second.Then opening a portal,walking through.He didn't know where he was going,just somewhere to get his mind off of all these thought's he had.And of course it had to be dreamtale,his past home.

So many bad memories had all happened here,it made Nightmare shiver.But there was also good memories,of him and Dream.

God how much he missed his so-called brother.They used to be the best of friends.But of course he had to ruin it.

He sat there against the tree of feelings,but it wasn't the same anymore.The tree had become a simple stub.

He remembered when Dream and him just sat there,as he read his favorite book to the other.When everything was amazing and well.Except for the villagers.

This was usually the time were he would get beat up.He still had the scars from it.

When he looked a little more around he found his old violin.The times he used to play to his brother.All those nice memories.

Without realizing,he felt a couple tears run down his skull.And indeed,he was crying.

Nught took the violin in his hands,seeing it had a few scratches on it.But still intact.He's suprised he still remembers how to play.

He soon put it up to his neck,and started playing.

The soft melody's that came out of the instrument sounded abselutely gorgeous.He stood up,swaying with the tones and beat.Dancing ever so gracefully.

He felt at peace,like all his worries were gone,like Dream was here right now,giving his usual smile.

He hadn't realized that someone was there,nether that it was his own brother.Dream looked totally flabbergasted(is that a word?i think it is?)

Nightmare suddenly stopped,finally feeling his brother's aura.He quickly turned in the direction of his aura.And there he stood,smiling with a few tears in his eyes.

Neither said anything,to shocked to even say anything.It was an awkward silence until Dream finally spoke up.

"Brother,is it really you?"He said,not fully believing his eyes.

"Yeah,it is hehe....."The other responded,still a bit embarassed.

And without a second thought,Dream instantly ran up to the other,practically jumping on him.Both fell to the ground with an oof.But just started laughing at Dream's excitment.

I mean,it had been a couple hundred years.
Even though Night would never admit it,he really missed his brother,even in his other form.

"You won't leave me again,will you?Dream asked,almost starting to cry again.

"Of course not,i'll never leave you again,but we still have to fight."The other responded.It lifted Dream's mood a bit.

"Well,atleast we are getting along!"The positive prince said,trying to lift the sad mood.He was so happy to finally have his brother back.(Ayy,1000 word's>:3)

But soon Dream had to leave,having Nightmare sit there all alone again.And after a while he too left the broken au.


Aight,it's finished!I'm pretty happy with how it came out too.Anyways,hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter and have a good day!:)

Word count:1048

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