Chapter 9

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Okeyyy,just to clarify,this will have slight smut!So if ya not into that you can just not read.Enjoy!


It had been a few days since the incident.


Killer and dust had taken error to the dungeons right after as nightmare had commanded.The destroyer was tortured in several different ways.

Right before dream and blue left ink ran to give the two a quick hug,telling them he'll be back by ten.The two then proceeded to head back to the base.

Nightmare's pov💭

Dream and blue had left and the guys had just finished torturing error,Tho seems they all went out.Leaving me with inky."Soooooo,what now?"He asked."Uhhhh idk,twister?"I answered bluntly."Sounds good!"He replied.

(Tiiiiiimeskip!)and 3'd person!)

The two had been playing for about 10 minutes now,and thing's were starting to get heated.with ink underneath nightmare and to close for comfort,they were quite flustered.

⚠️ SMUT warning ⚠️

Nightmare had lost control a bit and accidently summoned a member,the bulge being visible through his trousers.The taller was quite embarressed of his actions but ink was more aroused than disgusted with the other.

They were both in an awkward situation,but the two couldn't hold back anymore.connecting there mouthes(yes i know the dont have mouthes but bear with me here)with eachother ,having such passion.But it ended as soon as they needed air.

Nightmare picked ink up bridal style before teleporting to the taller's bedroom,landing on the bed.Night slowly got on top of the smaller giving him a gentle peck on the cheek.Oh how the other melted to his touch,It felt like heaven.

Nightmare soon started attacking ink's neck,nibbeling lightly on it.

While the smaller was softly grinding on the taller.When night hit a certain spot the other yelped then moaned,being quite sensitive there.Nightmare loved hearing his little inky let out those beautiful noises.He bit down on the spot where his lover had been a little more sensitive with,earning another delicate moan from the ink blob.Ink was getting very aroused by this and finally summoned his ecto body.Having it be a female one.

The taller soon made it to the other's chest.Softly lifting the smaller's shirt.Ink's ecto was quite thick comperred to other sanses.Leading to Nightmare being pretty shocked to say the least.While that was happening Ink was rubbing his thighes roughly against eachother.Night got the point and in a fast pace took of the clothes that were still left on,resulting in the both of them being completly naked."So you're a virgin im guessing?"the taller asked.The other could only nod in response.Without any hesitation night had slammed into the smaller.Tho still giving him time to adjust to the other's size.Ink was pretty tight too.And letting down small tears as well.After awhile he had finally gotten a good hold on the other's size,giving a nod for him to go.Nightmare went slow at first but as time went by he started getting faster in pace,and soon was ramming into the smaller.While Ink was a moaning mess under him.Tho still giving the taller that silly grin.The both of them were very close to orgasm,and soon had came.With Nightmare inside him.


All the other's had gotten back about ten minutes ago while the lovebirds were still having there time.horror was sitting in a corner recomsidering his life choices,while cross and killer were having a nosebleed.Dust was a little bit disturbed but still fine and error was banging his head against a wall.

Even blue was there as dust had invited him.Yeah,he was passed out.

When the two lover's were done with there little "session" they were quite embarressed to say the least."U-u-ummmm,i can explainnn?"said ink with a hummiliated face."Please............Dont.Said error.Dust was just on his phone chilling,not even bothered by the situation going on right now.

Killer had a lenny face plastered on his face while night just glared at him.Cross was having a silent meltdown inside his head and chara screaming at him to wake up.By now blue was awake but had forgotten what had happened.Which was good in dust's opinion.On the inside his soul was squealing in adoration for the little blueberry while his brain was saying that blue would never love a moster like him.It was like a fight going on in his mind.Tho seing how the other would yawn just made him melt.Tho of course blue was quite oblivious to this fact.Meanwhile he himself thought the same way but just brushed it of as a silly mistake for friendship.But deep inside he knew he loved dust with all his well being and soul.He would do ANYTHING for him.Even MURDER.(Aight here comes yanberry for the win>:3)Oh how he loved his little dusty.

Whoohoo!Im done!I am SO sorry i havent posted in a really long time.I was just so lazy and on writersblock.But TWO months?!Wow i didnt even know it had been that long.But anyways i hope you enjoyed the chapter and merry christmas!Did you get any presents?If so Were they cool?How many did you get?

Word count:868

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