Chapter 15

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I've taken some time off for awhile now,so here comes a chapter,finally.I'm really sorry for the delay.But if you've seen my previous post,you'd know i have a lot going on rn.But i'm determined to finish this.Anyways,enjoy:))

Question of the day:Whats your favorite animal?:)


It was very early in the morning.4am to be exact.Ink had already gotten dressed,took a shower,brushed his teeth,had breakfast,leaving some for his friends to munch on aswell,of course.

He had tried falling back asleep,but failed miserably.So he just gave up and started his day early.

Oh god,was he nervous.What if Nightmare hated him forever?Or got his gang to torture him?
All the possible scenarios that could play out.

But it doesn't really bother him that much.Because all he wants is to clear things up with the love of his life again.

If he could just go back in time to when this all started he would of ran the fastest he ever could and fixed this right away.But he was in to much shock at that moment,that he could only watch as Night ran out of the room,eyelights glossy from tears.

He had already wasted enough time.This was it.He stood infront of the giant mansion,knowing exactly which window was Nightmares,as he's the only one with a balcony.And from his knowledge,he knew that the prince hardly ever wakes up before 11am,so he had plenty of time on his hands,if things went smoothly.

He started climbing a tree close to his love's room,getting as far out as possible on the branch,nearly falling while doing so.The jump was going to be a bit tricky,since its pretty far,but he'll manage.

He let out a big breath,preparing himself for a possible fall,then jumped.He almost fell but gripped onto the railing,taking all his strenght to pull himself up with one arm,the rest of his body dangling in the air.

He climbed over it,carefully making his way over to the glass door,opening it.Luckily it wasn't locked.

Nightmare laid with his back turned to the artist,snuggled in the blanket.He looked pretty tired,but still handsome nontheless.Ink smiled.It was so long ago he had seen that face.

He sat down beside the other,not breaking his gaze on the figure sleeping peacefully beside him.

Hour after hour went by quicker than expected,until he heard a groan,indicating that the other was awake now.Thhe creator sprung up,calmed his racing non-existent soul,then turned around to meet the prince's hard and shocked eyelights.

"W h a t Are you doing here?"The once sleeping figure asked.

"Well-uh,i came to apologize,and make things right."He responded,stumbling over his words.Ugh,stupid.

"No need.Just leave already.You're not welcome here,anyway."

"Night...I really am sorry-!I want to start over.Please."

Nightmare was struggling to hold back from just running at the other and embracing him in his arms.

Inky tears slipped down the artist's face,and dropping onto the hard wood floor.

"Please,just let me explain.I'll leave right after."The creator begged the other,looking messed up.Since Nightmare had just woken up a few minutes ago,he hadn't noticed the bags under the other's eyes(it would be weird to say 'eyelights'😃)

"Tsk.Make it quick then.You have 1 minute."The prince said,already knowing that he wanted he explain.

Ink started explaining what happened on that day right away,hearing that he only had one minute to do so.

"While i was in the waiting-room,maybe about-10
minutes before the disaster,while sci was checking you,when i suddenly had a feeling that there was someone else in the room.You know-a gut feeling kinda?Yeah,and then a hand went to grab me,luckily i dodged it just in time.And there stood Error."

"We fought for a few minutes,then when he had me cornered,he heard you about to open the door,and kissed me.And you know the rest."He finished with a big inhale right after,since he stress-talked a bit cause of the shortage of time.

Nightmare was in shock.He didn't know if he should believe the otehr or not.Should he risk it?

Yeah.He'll risk it.If he doesn't,he would most likely regret it so much when he hears that Ink will be getting married to someone other than him.

Ink started walking back towards where he came from,but Night grabbed his wrist before he vould leave.He turned the other around to face him,and placed his 'lips' against his.

The squid,overwhelmed,started crying even more,black-colored tears spilling from his eyes.The artist quickly wrapped his arms around the other's neck,pulling him deeper.

Yeah.He'll risk it.


Awww,like two pea's in a pot:))

I was in a pretty good mood today,and was feeling motivated,so finally got a chapter out!
Just before i had to go to sleep too😀

Ah shit-a themesong just came one from my favorite shows on my playlist,now i'm sad again,like—excuse me brain?🤨Why now of all times😃

Well,really hope you enjoyed this chapter,cuz its the last one until the epilogue!!!And maybe some extras too.
Now,some may cry now,cuz thats what i would of done🥲But there will maybe be a book two,and the remake IS coming,which is gonna have a lot more developement,trust me.

Love y'all🥰

Wordcount:924 words

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