9: All Mine

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"If she's amazing, she wont be easy. If shes easy she wont be amazing. If shes worth it you won't give up, if you give up you're not worthy. Truth is everyone is going to hurt you, you just got to find the ones worth suffering for "
-Bob Marley

Alex's pov

"Mckenzie, you don't know how lucky you are to have a boyfriend to take you to prom. He spoils you so much." I said pushing her playfully

"Well Alex, rumor has it that you're about to get a prom date soon too!" Kenzie nudged me and winked,

"As if." I sipped on my Starbucks. Suddenly, Jake walked in with Lindsay hooked onto his arm. I don't know why but it made something inside of me boil, although me and Jake agreed to be friends, it sucks that we stopped hanging out as much. I only seen him when we all hung out,  Kenzie, Marvin and us, even then he didn't stay long he always left early he acted as if he hated me.

Okay hated me is an over-exaggeration, but i missed him in my life. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen, that's why i said he wasn't the one, i ended up losing my friend anyways. 

"Ill catch you later Kenzie." I got out the chair and headed out the door before i slammed straight into Jake spilling his drink on me in front of the whole basketball team, a few of them laughed. "Sorry." I rushed and ran out, i reached the curb when i heard Jake calling after me. 

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, 

"Im fine." I didn't look him in the eye, i looked everywhere but into his eyes. 

"Let me make it up to you." He grabbed my arm, oh gosh, how i missed his touch "Movies tonight?" He smiled.

Oh man how i missed his smile "Run that by Lindsay" I snarled at him. Where did that even come from?

He chuckled " She's not my girlfriend you know?" He smiled, almost amused at my jealousy 

"Sure looks like it." I rolled my eyes, seriously where is that coming from? "I mean, sure. But, you owe me a large slurpee too." i bargained, 

"Ok, i'll see you at 5." He shook his head laughing as he headed inside

"5 is kind of early." i yelled

"We're making a stop first." He spun around on his heels, the sun hitting him perfectly 

I looked at the time and almost tripped running when I realized it was 3:00.


" i know you still like her bro." Marvin said behind me, poking me with every word

"No I don't, its just two friends hanging out." I turned to face him

"Mhmm, Kenzie says she likes you too, if that's any consolation" He walked out the room, 

"Sure didn't seem that way when she rejected me" I whispered to myself, trying to supress the anger.


I knocked on her door. I decided to just skip the park and pick her up at 7 for the movie. She came out looking beautiful as ever, stop it jake i had to remind myself

"Ready?" She asked, clearly noticing that I didn't say anything 

"Yup." I said as we headed towards my car

"So, how has life treated you?" She asked obviously trying to make conversation

"Good, you?" I glanced at her

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