7: Meet the crew

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People build up walls, not to keep others out but to see who cares enough to break them down

Jake's P.O.V 

"Wait you're mr.popular!?" She partially yelled. All i could do was laugh. The bell rung and we all got up.

"Let's go." I said grabbing her hand, She was caught off guard so she didn't have time to realize i grabbed her hand, she probably would have hit me.

Holding her hand sent a tingling sensation through my whole body, it had made me go numb. I couldn't even explain why but it did, everything she did aroused me. When she got angry and her nose scrunched and her eyebrows arched even more. The way she curved her lips when she held in a smile. The way she puts a piece of hair behind her ears because she gets nervous, the way that same piece falls on her face, framing her beauty. God was she so beautiful even though my friends didn't see what i seen, they thought she was just a good time but i knew she was more than that, but she hid it, she doesn't embraced her beauty, i can tell. I held her hand all the way through the hallway until she yanked it out my hand.

"What?" I turned around and she was looking at the ground

"Nothing i-i just would appreciate if i could walk behind you without you grabbing my hand like a little kid." She started getting more confident with each word.

I chuckled, "All right big girl, lets go." 

I led her to all of our classes, finding any attempt to sit by her, talk to her, just to be in her presence. Until she had chorus so, we had to part ways. 


"Jakeeyy!!" I heard Lindsey Mikeson's high pitch voice ring. I rolled my eyes before turning around to face her.

"What?" I said, she was obsessed with me, I broke up with her because she was so jealous and possessive. She swore we were going to get back together before prom. She was a medium height, thin, blonde haired, volleyball player, all the things I thought i liked.

"I just missed you, Mr.Grumpy." She said linking arms, "Wanna give me a ride to the mall?" She looked up at me.

I spotted Alex walking my way with a blonde girl I think i knew from history. 

"im giving someone else a ride today, a friend of mine." I quickly unlinked our arms in hopes Alex didn't see. I just didnt want her to get jealous or anything. I unlocked the car door and Lindsey got in.

"Thats great! who?" She said right before Alex walked up to my window..

"Ohh ill walk if yo-" she started, "Sorry, gosh. i shouldnt have assumed you were- nevermind." She got red, my heart sank.

"No, hop in. I was just telling Lindsey that I was bringing you home." I interrupted

"Well, my friend Kenzie is coming over so do you mind if she gets in too?" She questioned, i wanted it to just be me and her but if i sent away her friend i know she would leave.

"No its fine, Lindsey i'll drop you at the mall and meet you later ok?" I said at least i could rid if one burden

"Oh-ohkay." Lindsey tried to keep the pep in her voice, 

"Im Alex." She smiled at Lindsey, who ignored her advancement, as Alex hopped in the back seat.

The car ride was awkward. Lindsey kept trying to hold my hand or take pictures of us. I just wanted to get to the mall so she could go. Alex was so unbothered, she was with her new friend, Mckenzie i think, she seemed really nice. 


Alex's quick p.o.v

"Kenz, what do you want?" I asked her opening my fridge door as she looked for a movie, we had already finished all of our homework and my mother would be home to call her a taxi in an hour or two.

"What do you have? & someone's knocking at the door." She answered from the living room

"Want pizza? And It might be the landlord about the leaky pipe, can you answer it." I yelled back to her as i warmed up slices of pizza and cinnamon sticks .

"Mr.popular is here?" She said from the doorway, it was more like a question than a statement.

Back to Jakes P.O.V

Honestly i don't know why i was at her door, i guess i just couldn't take any more of Lindsey, or I needed more of Alex. Either way i was here, so i needed an excuse fast.

Alex stepped outside the door, closing it behind her. "This really suits your name stalker boy, what do you want?" She said sternly leaning against the door.

"Ill leave if, you say yes to that date i asked you about." I smiled and looked into her eyes

"If i say yes will you stop bothering me stalker boy?" She said sternly

"Well, you'll most likely disappoint me on the date, so yeah," i chuckled, she hit me in my arm

She turned around and opened the door "Kenzie, is there soda in the fridge?" She yelled through the crack. I heard a faint no and then she closed the door and started walking down the stairs so obviously i followed.

"So is that a yes?" I asked

"Bye" she said as she walked away. I grabbed her waist pulling her back towards me while also turning her to face me, i pinned her against a wall, we were face to face, I could feel her cool breath hit against my lips, inches away from hers, she just stared at my eyes awaiting my next move.

We stood there silent for a moment until she finally said, "Okay, ill go.", almost in a whisper. She looked at her feet i lifted her chin and she looked into my eyes..

"Don't look like this." I joked as I let go of her chin pulling away, laughing

"Shut the hell up!" she laughed and punched me in my stomach

"See you later cutie." I jokingly winked,

"You'd be so lucky." She said as she disappeared down the steps, I ran back up the stairs pumping my hands in the air, back into my apartment.

"Whats wrong with you?" I heard my Bestfriend Marvin ask as soon as I opened the door

"What do you mean." I said getting an apple and plopping down next to him.

"You like her bro." He teased slapping my face

"Yeah right, you know how the game goes." i laughed

"MY MAN!" He yelled, 

Smiling i got up and headed to the balcony, i looked outside to see a taxi, "So obviously Kenzie left." I whispered to myself. 

Shortly after Alex appeared on her balcony, she put in her headphones and sat on a chair, she obviously didn't notice me watching her. A small smile crept up on my face at the thought of her. I bit my apple and went inside.

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