6: Stalker boy

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"Sometimes, strangers are just friends you haven't met yet."

Alex's pov

School. I woke up and charged my phone as i tried to prep for the inevitable. 

"School time!" My mom walked into my room grinning from ear to ear as she sat on the edge of my bed, i literally rolled out of bed and hit the ground.

"Ooww" I yelled, i got up and opened my closet.

"Do I have to go?" I let out a heavy sigh. She came up and hugged me. 

"Yes" she whispered before she left my room.

After what felt like forever getting ready, I picked out an outfit and smiled in the mirror. "Change was good" I whispered and put my straightened hair behind my ears.

I grabbed a waffle and a juice pouch and headed out, "Bye, mom." I yelled before she came running out the room after me with a camera, my mother was dressed up in a nice black dress and black heels, a touch of make-up and her hair was in a bun. I guess she was going to work.

"You look so cute." She said snapping pictures, I posed for a few, then it was all off guard from there. I took a few with her, and of her.

"Going!" i said exiting the door


I ran down the stairs when i tripped and fell right into the arms of .. You guessed it .. Bell boy.

"You've got to be kidding me." I said as i got up and picked up my bag off the ground

"Youre welcome." He said with an attitude and walked away. I ran to catch up to him, i don't know why i was so concerned about him but i just knew something was wrong, he never snapped like that. At least not in the week i've known him

"Hey," i yelled after him. He looked over his shoulder but kept moving anyways.

"Well then." i spoke to myself when i finally caught up to him, "Everything okay?" I gave him a puzzled look

"Why did you even care." He said fishing in his pocket, he pulled out his keys and hit the button to unlock a black 2014 ford mustang. I froze as i rub my fingers along the matte paint job.

"Ford mustang, my fave." I whispered as i peeked inside. He sat inside the car and rolled down the window.

"Are you getting in or not?" He spoke startling me

"A-are you sure?" I said opening the door and sitting down. He just looked forward and drove off.

"So, you go to my school." I asked trying to make conversation.

"Obviously." He stated annoyed

"Okay. i know i haven't been the nicest to you but, i. don't know where all of the disrespect is coming from. Your attitude is disgusting and blatantly rude. So don't offer me a ride next time, or bother talking to me at all if all you need is space. If you want to be different, by all means. Everyone is, just don't ever go back to trying to convince me that you're all high and mighty!!" I yelled obviously shocking him with my reaction "You're one of those guys." i rolled my eyes, sitting back in my seat and looked out the window.

The car ride was silent.

When he finally parked at the school and we got out, immediately a group of kids came running up to him but stopping in their tracks when they noticed me, "Thanks for the ride." I put my hair behind my ears, blushing due to all the stares, I quickly walked away.


"You're new here?" A girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes said to me, she looked like a barbie doll, the sunshine touched her smile. 

"Uhh, yeaah, how can you tell?" I said putting my hair behind my ears.

"Really?" We started to laugh, "Im Mackenzie Townsmen but some people call me Kenzie" she extended her hand

"Call me Alex." We shook

"Well since you're new, and ive been there not so long ago, ill help you out, let me see your phone." she smiled

I handed her my phone and we exchanged numbers. She was a really funny and nice, I could smell her cherry blossom perfume from a mile away, but it wasn't too strong, it was drawing. 

"Well 234 here we are" she signaled towards the door. "At least you have homeroom with Mr. Popular." She waved her arms when she said the last part, she sighed in pretend jealousy and hugged me then disappeared into the others.

I walked into the classroom and noticed a bald man, drinking coffee and grading tests, "Hello, im Alex." He never looked up, "I'm new here." I stood there awkwardly shifting between my feet. 

"Im Mr.Soviet, sit next to Mr. Boaghs please." He still never looked up at me, i didn't move

"who's Mr.Boaghs?" I questioned

He looked up as if he had seen a ghost,

"you really are new!" He claimed, with an excitement i didn't know he had, "Boy with the blonde." He pointed

I spun around and seen the same smiling face i've seen for the past week. After our awkward fight today I turned into a tomato, was it even really a fight. How can he just be so smiley all of a sudden. 

"Are you joking." i said as i walked towards him and sat down in the seat next to him

"Nothing else you want to yell at me about?" He said raising an eyebrow

"You asked for it." I answered without looking at him, i emptied my notebook onto my desk, ready to learn 

I noticed him staring at me but he looked away, almost embarrassed, "Im Jake." he said, "But you can call me j." He never looked up.

"Id rather not call you." i joked and turned my head a little to look at him

"But you keep checking me out." I punched him in his arm, 

"NEVER!" I yelled, i couldn't help but laugh, "you're so annoying you know.", I finished, he managed to slide my schedule out of my grips and begin to scan it mimicking our homeroom teacher. 

"We have all classes together besides cosmetology and chorus, so you better get used to it." he winked, "And im sorry about earlier, it wasn't you." He side smiled, awaiting my forgiveness 

"Give me my schedule stalker boy." I laughed pulling it from him, signifying that we were all good

"Youd be soo lucky." He smiled at me then turned around. I couldn't help but notice all the girls giving me death stares after our conversation, it felt like all eyes were on me

"Wait so you're mr.popular?!" I partially yelled and he just started laughing

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