14: Car Wrecked

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"And in the end we decide, maybe some lives are just doomed for tragedies, until they die." -Stackz

Alex's Pov

I got up after what felt like a few moments, my vision and memory was blurred. I realized i was upside down, i quickly snatched the purse to the right of me and tried to exit the car. My necklace was stick onto the steering wheel, locking me in place. I snapped it off and crawled out of a shattered window, ripping my clothes upon exit. I fell to the ground stumbling away when i heard a huge explosion from behind me. I got up and walked for what felt like hours, finally i entered Sally's Bar, it was pretty empty except for a gentleman sitting at a booth sipping coffee.

"Excuse me." he slowly turned around and his eyes widened, looking terrified he still told me his name, 

Christopher Shalm 

I stumbled in returning my name, who was I? I broke out into tears, i couldn't remember anything. 

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" He asked for the millionth time as he fetched the keys of the hotel in his pockets and unlocked the door.

I just shook my head and he let me in. "Well, let's go through your bag then." He ran his hand through his blonde hair.

Copy of Apartment Lease Papers, Copy of Yale acceptance papers, keys and a plane ticket to Connecticut. 

"Im guessing you either don't live here or you just moved, congratulations on Yale by the way." He flashed me a this is awkward, let's lighten the mood kind of smile. 

"Thanks for letting me crash here." I made way towards a chair against the wall "I'll just take the plane tomorrow, I wish i remembered what i was running from." I start to make my way towards the chair 

"Well I am taking my jet there tomorrow, sell your ticket and I'll take you." He mumbled walking into the bathroom

"Im already bothering you enough, you truly don't have to be so kind." i lightly laughed as he exited the bathroom with rubbing alcohol and a small towel, he sat on the edge of the bed and gave me a sigh

"I have a habit of helping people so, I'll help you get back, or there." he smiled as he cleaned my cuts, I flinched a bit when he placed the towel on my cheek

"I don't think I wanted it back, I mean why else was I this far with all my things, maybe I was running away." i moved his hand away.

"Well.." He sat and thought for a moment, "i dont know why i trust you, or maybe i feel bad for you, but I can help." He gave me a warming and assuring smile, his English accent was more prominent as I finally noticed it.  "You may have the bed." He went in his suitcase and tossed me a giant white shirt, "Here, throw that on."

"I can't.. Where will you sleep" I smiled,

He was being so nice. Why?

"I'll sleep there." He pointed to the bed, "oh, nothing will happen." He reassured me, "i'll let you change in the bathroom." 

I went into the bathroom and changed, i stared at my reflection in the mirror

Who am I

"Alexia?"  His accent ran through the walls of the hotel breaking my train of thought

"Alexia?" I entered the room, "Thats- thats me." I remembered. however, other memories did not come rushing to the surface, 

"Well, I can take you with me to England in the morning, you can meet mother and she can figure everything out and help you. If you would like answers." He laid on the bed and tapped the side next to him. I hesitated for a minute then laid down 

"I need to cuddle something to go to sleep." He said half asleep before throwing his arm around me and pulling me closer, i tried to free myself but he just tightened his grip, "please?" He mumbled, "don't think anything of it, i usually use the pillows." I finally stopped resisting, his accent made it so difficult to resist him.


"ALEX! NOO!" Alex's mother yelled crying

"Ma'am." all that was found was a necklace and a cellphone, she appears to have been In the middle of a text." an officer spoke

"What.." My mother couldn't comprehend what was going on

"It appears that she is indeed, no longer with us but still no body is found, what would you like to do." he stuttered

"I want to keep looking until i must accept the fact that she is gone." My mother was shaking as she called Jake multiple times however he didn't pick up so she left him a message regarding the situation.

Meanwhile back at prom

"Where is she!" Jake was starting to get furious his phone had died and Alex hadn't shown up, he was get angrier by the minute. "She promised she would be here." Jake had downed yet another bottle of scotch, after drunkenly stumbling on the dance floor he found himself dancing with Lindsey.

He didn't get the message until the next morning.

It broke him. He almost had sex with Lindsey, thinking that Alexia had run away and started life without him. He was a broken shell of a man that used to know love. He was in and out of therapy, yet found little happiness when his childhood friend Emily came and helped him get his life on track.

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