13: A Prom & Wedding

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"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times. Always with the same person."
- Mignon Mclaughlin 

The wedding day 

"McKenzie, you look amazing." I placed the final touches on my best friends hair. "I can't believe it! My best friend is getting married!" I stepped back to take a long look at her

"I Know right! I'M GETTING MARRIED!" She yelled "You already got an apartment and you have a scholarship to Yale! Meanwhile im moving im with my HUSBAND! And we're going to UCLA!" She screeched

"Kenz, we are truly killing it!" I kissed McKenzie on the cheek and headed outside as her father entered her room to begin the ceremony. 

I stepped onto the platform where Jake linked arms with me, we waited as the flower girl was halfway down the aisle to begin walking. "You look stunning." Jake scanned my lavender silk dress. 

"You dont look to bad yourself." I smiled, he looked so handsome in his Armani tux. 

We walked down until we took our rightful places at the front. Finally the cue of music, we were all here, ready and waiting. Just then, a ray of sunshine steps off of the platform, shining her whole way down. 

"Dude, she looks so beautiful." I overhear Marvin whispering to Jake, you could see how nervous he was, "This is my wife? Im actually getting married before 21?" He hesitated, "this will be my wife." he smiled at her reassuring himself

The ceremony was absolutely amazing and McKenzie looked so stunning in her white wedding dress which showed off her curves while her soft makeup gave her an angelic glow. We danced and enjoyed ourselves the whole time.

It was time for the speeches, and i was up next. i hate public speaking so I made a video, i airplay it onto the screen, "Hey Kenz!" My voice plays across the screen and in cringe. 

"Kenz. Ny best friend. Before you, i never knew happiness and good people existed. I never knew what it meant to have a best friend. Someone to give you advice, to have your back, to hang out with you. To be your peace. You are all that for me, i hope i am all that for you. i stand here today and I get to witness my head strong, intelligent and beautiful sister, get married. A blessing this may be for all of us here today, but especially Marvin. I hope you understand how much you've hit the jackpot. You have a beautiful, smart, and resilient wife. Anyone who knows Kenz knows she is a ray of sunshine, a lucky charm, a natural leader, and a friend to all. She's the type of person who stops her car if she sees a hurt animal and takes them to the vet. She's the type to cuss out a bully in the middle of the hallway, she's the type you want fighting on your side, forever. You got blessed Marvin, not lucky but blessed. As we all are to have you in our lives. I love you Kenz, congrats guys! " The video shut off. Kenz started crying and we ran to hug each other. 

Jake gave a heartfelt and funny speech to Marvin, especially highlighting how nervous he was that he choked on her name! It was a great night, love really blossomed here.

"Honey let's go!" My mother yelled from the car at the end of the night. 

"Well I got to go." I chuckled softly to my group sitting around the fire. 

"Wait! Group picture." Kenz yelled dragging the photographer over then following it with the photobooth pictures. We each took one to part. 

"Call me in the morning okay?" Jake kissed my cheeks lightly before leaving me alone, i looked back at them. Happiness filled me.


There wasn't any school the day of the big game and prom because of the preparations so I stopped by Jake's before practice around 12 pm

"Aha I will catch you at your game later okay, I just need to organize my stuff and head to their office in Vegas and sign some papers and deliver some things. Ill drive back and run home to get ready for prom, after prom we will head straight to Connecticut." i kissed Jake as i reiterated the plans

"I don't like you driving out there I heard it is supposed to storm." He hesitated as he put his uniform on

"I will be fine." i smiled

"Close your eyes." I did as told and felt a thin cold gold necklace around my neck "Open." He whispered, I look down to see two small circles on a necklace. One circle said, "His only" and the other one had two hands pinky promising. i started blushing and i placed my hair behind my ears.

"I love you Jake." I started to tear up, never truly feeling love prior to him, i cant contain my happiness in this relationship 

"I placed mine in the safety box in my bedroom, along with everything that reminds me of you." He chuckled obviously embarrassed that he has a box full of memories

"Oh really with what?" I placed a hand on his arm

"Ticket stubs, the perfume you were wearing our first night, basically everything." He chuckled

"I was going to wait until tonight after your game to give this to you." i dug in my purse and clasped the object in both my hands. "Jake from the moment I met you, I knew you were trouble." I giggled, "you've turned my life upside down and you're the best thing to happen to me honestly, I love you so much Jake and I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you, " I handed him a small globe, with a picture of us inside, in front of a home and when you shook it, hearts fluttered all throughout it,

"Turn it upside down." The bottom read La vita va su, ma non senza di te. Ti amo Jake

"It means, Life will go on, but not without you. I Love You Jake" I smiled, "I know It's not a-

"It's perfect " he kissed me, "I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you, I've loved you then, I love you now, and I'll love you forever." He kissed me passionately as tears ran down my face


"Miss Future by Mika Mendes it's time for you!" I popped in the cd and hit track 3. I was driving into the entry of Vegas for a few hours now, i drove avoiding the city as best as I could.

"Finally." I crept into the office just around 5 pm. I handed the lady all of my paperwork for my apartment and headed off. I was so excited. 

I drove for a little while until about 7 pm. I pulled over on the side of a dark road to get a quick 40 minute nap. I was jolted awake by the sound of lighting and thunder in the darkness of the night. 

"Oh man, it's raining really hard!" I started my car. Grabbing my cell phone I put in the GPS to see how far I was, ETA 2 hours. 

I pulled out of the road knowing i had just enough time to catch the end of his game and be there to prepare for prom. 

It was a long drive back, the rain had gradually gotten worse since I started driving. I decided to text jake and let him know Id be a little later than expected, just by 30 minutes

I reached an intersection when my typing was interrupted by an abrupt honk I quickly looked up only to be blinded by headlights as i quickly swerved to the side as the other vehicle collided with mine. Swerving is circles I spun before I screeched off the road, my head flew toward the air bag as my car flipped over and my mirrors shattered, those were the last scenes I witnessed before blacking out.

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