11: Barbecue

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"She pushes you away because she thinks you can do better, if only she saw herself through your eyes."

Alex's Pov

"Hey baby, do you mind if i stop and we can grab something to eat?" Jake asked after school, it took me a minute to realize he was talking to me, its all still so new

"Oh yea, me! Um okay but i need to be home by 5 to get ready." My shaking breathe let out

"Okay, how does Gus's sound?" He asked, 

"Chicken? You read my mind." I practically drooled

We headed to Gus's and stood in the long line, we finally reached the front after like 15 minutes

"Can i have two 3 piece plates with lemonade. Some ranch and honey mustard sauce too please." Jake said to the cashier who was definitely making googly eyes at him, we headed to our seats in a booth and I immediately started eating.

"Look who it is the wonderful couple." Lindsey's perky voice popped up from behind

"What do you want?" I heard the annoyance spill out in Jake's voice

"Oh nothing." She sat right next to Jake and started rubbing his arm, he immediately jolted back. I could see it was just to make me jealous and it was working, but i was never the jealous type.

"I got to go anyways." I looked at my watch and back up at Lindsey, seeing a smile creep up on her face

"I'll take you back." Jake quickly rose from his seat as if he was looking for a reason to move his position. 

"It's okay." I quickly walked out of the restaurant, I could feel Jake running after me. He finally caught up to me and grabbed me by my arm tightly and pulled me into his car

"What the fuck is wrong with you Alex!?" He yelled at me, he was obviously furious, "You're my everything nothing compares to you ever, definitely not Lindsey." he still yelled.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, fiddling with my hands, avoiding deadly eye contact 

He took a deep breath as if to gather his thoughts, "No, i'm sorry. I just, there's no excuse. I just wish you trusted me, because i really lo-" He hesitated, "I really like you, like a lot. So please dont think id throw it away for an airbag," He intertwined our hands. 

We finally arrived back at the apartments, i kissed his cheek softly millions of times. He pulled into a parking spot at the apartment buildings and he grabbed me, kissing me lightly then forcefully right before my mom knocked on the window. 

"Ahem, Hello Ms.Sandburgs." Jake said biting his lip trying to avoid my mother's questionable gaze

"Hi mom." I looked at my sneakers and put my hair behind my ears

"Bye Jake." My mom waved, dragging me upstairs

"Mom im so-" i started

"Honey, i was your age once, just be careful, please." She kissed my forehead then showed me the outfit I would be wearing later tonight as i got ready

"Wow." Jake stood there staring at me, I just blushed, putting my hair behind my ears, after what felt like forever in the hot seat we quickly got into the car and drove to my doom.

"Men get to be more laid back than women in their outfits." He laughed, "such a weird patriarchy." He just shrugged

We arrived to the gate of a giant mansion. It was lined with white gate that opened up a pebble entrance and a fountain on a hill of green. Jake typed numbers on a keypad and the gates swung open, we drove up and seen a doorway that casted over us, as if to only allow entry to angels. i was in shock.

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