3: Here We Go

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"Just like the seasons, people have the ability to change."

Alex's pov

I woke up to a familiar sound, empty silence,  "I knew she wasn't going to hold on to her word." I mumbled before trotting down the corridor into the kitchen. "Great, no food." I shut the fridge. As I spun around to grab my coat, the front door swung open. 

My mom appeared frazzled and out of breathe, but not high. "Hey baby, sorry I left so early but I  had to do some things and you were asleep." She started, "Pancakes?" She handed me an IHOP box, "I got you some fruit punch too." She handed me a small chilled cup. My mother hadn't fed me in years. This all felt so strange but, normal at the same time. 

I grabbed the food and sat down "Sorry mom, I thought-" I started to apologize as a wave of guilt flushed over me for my assumption.

"After everything I put you through, I'm lucky to even get the benefit of the doubt. So, I'm giving you time to adapt, I understand, baby girl. Jess said it would take time, so I'm being patient." She said sitting pulling out the old stool and plopping down next to me, "I had to go trade in the car for some money to travel with, then I went to transfer my money in the bank account, when we get there I need to take a bus to CONC. Inc to go accept my job offer, as a secretary." she winked. "We won't have a car for the next month, but we should get it soon." She took a piece of my hash brown, 

"Wow, you thought this through!" I said surprised

"I almost forgot!" She yelled, jumping up and dialing a number on her phone, "I need to register you for school, and I took some of the transitional package money I was offered  to take you school shopping, but I only could use $105." She headed upstairs "PACK. WE NEED TO LEAVE BY 3 OUR FLIGHT IS AT 4:35" she yelled as her voice bounced off the walls. 

I almost choked on my food when I realized it was 2:45, I ran upstairs and my mom tossed me a suitcase. I threw all my stuff in the bag, not that there was much. My clothes wouldn't match the weather and I didn't have a lot of sentimental things. My mom had a bag for blankets and stuff like shampoo and chargers.. Etc.. We didn't have a lot of belongings, just a few tees, couple of  jeans, a pair of shoes or two. We hopped in the taxi at 3:10 and got to the airport at 3:45. When we headed inside, it was taking a lot longer than expected to check our bags. "WHAT THE FUCK MAN." my mom yelled, her old self appeared for a moment, angry. 

"Ma'am please relax." The officer calmly answered. My mom's hostile attitude was not helping us move through any faster, we were this close to getting arrested but we made a run for it. We got onto the plane right before the doors locked. 

"Last illegal thing we are doing." My mom whispered and winked as we got comfortable in our seats. 

"Agreed, I can't keep running like this." I laughed in response. I couldn't believe I just laughed with my mom. I smiled out the window and my mom grabbed my hands and smiled at me. 

"Here we go, to the rest of our lives." she whispered before putting on her headphones.

"Here we go." I repeated, still looking out the window, "to the rest of our lives". 

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