16: Catch 22

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"I shouldn't be jealous you aren't even mine" -Unknown

Jakes POV

I've spent about 3 hours debating if I should add Briana on Facebook before  finally deciding to, i had waited 1 hour for her to accept it.

"Excuse me Mr. Martin?" My secretary broke my train of thought.

I cleared my throat before gesturing her to come in.

"Well your 12 o'clock is here. Mr.Johnson with the advertisement industry." She flipped through her book, "and your girlfriend called."

"Girlfriend?" I raised a brow

"Oh Sara Kingz, i'm sorry i just.."

"It's fine, what did she want?" I reached for my papers to prepare for my meeting.

"She wants you to pick up Rebecca from Country High school at 4pm." She smiled

"Send Kendra to offer Mr. Johnson a drink or snacks and be sure that he is in Conference room #3." I made hand gestures to send her out.

5 minutes passed as i went over what I would say to get the best deal before entering the conference room.

It probably took me about 4 hours to convince Mr.Johnson to accept the deal. Now i was on the highway rushing over to pick up Rebecca from school.


Briana's POV

I was sitting on the patio as thoughts ran through my head, "Who was she?" Just yesterday we were play fighting as his lips touched mine, just yesterday he ran from the situation, but it wasn't just yesterday. Days have actually passed by, maybe weeks, can't remember. However he had a new lady friend. He brought her home, just yesterday, and now she was back.

They met at a café, right near Corners Block, there were coffee spills and laughs followed by number exchanges and just like that she's been in our house and introduced to the family. She was tall and fit and had a golden red mane that caressed her face and flowed down her back. "I'm a lifeguard." I remember her sharing. She walked through the room with a certain type of bravado and charisma. She was better than me in every way so why would I even compete. My hair wasn't as beautiful, I definitely was not cloying like her, I was actually very caustic, a total disaster. "I'm feeling a little sick, I think I'll go lay down, and it was great to meet you by the way." I forced a smile. I lied too. Great now I'm a liar! I was feeling sick but it wasn't great to meet her. Actually meeting her was devastating.

There was a light tap at my door before it swung open. "Rude of course you come in without permission!" I said with acrimony towards Christopher. "What if I was getting dressed, stupid." I rolled my eyes and he just smirked.

"Not like I haven't- " I cut him off by throwing my pillow at him.

"NEVER oh my gosh!" I turned in my bed to face the wall, it was partially so he didn't see my face turn as red as a tomato.

"Briana." I heard him close the door as he shuffled his feet on the carpet before sitting next to me.

"Turn around or i'll make you." I replied with a snarky comment then suddenly felt his hands travel from my leg up my thigh. I yelled at him before turning around. "Hey! I was just going to pinch you! now what's wrong?" His brows furrowed. 

"Whatever and my stomach just hurts." He looked at my skeptically before nodding his head and lying next to me. "Your girlfriend is downstairs, what are you doing here." He just told me to hold on and went downstairs only to return moments later with soup, ginger ale and a Tylenol pill. How can I not love him, he's so caring. "You don't need to take care of me." I took the soup from him.

'Yes I do, you're like my little sister." I felt like my heart was being stabbed, again.

"Well, I'm not your little sister. I'm grown up now." I snapped

"I noticed." He scanned me, for a mere second "Here take this, ill check on you in 10 minutes."

"Okay." I nodded while I put the Tylenol in my mouth and gulping down some ginger ale after.

"Also, Briana," I looked up from the bowl towards him, "Do you like her?" He so badly wanted my approval and I so badly wanted to be an option but he already made it clear I'm not and never will be.

"She's great. Beautiful." I finally said and his face lit up, he smiled and closed the door as he headed downstairs.

It was a catch-22 for me. I couldn't break his heart and say I hate her, because he would leave her and although id be satisfied he'd be crushed which would just kill me. Also if I said I liked her he would pursue her even more and although he was happy I would be dying on the inside, but his happiness was worth it for me. 

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