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Holly POV:

I was staring out of the bus window as It drove down the highway. I drank so much the other night that Im still hangover. 2 days later. The party was a blast! Everyone was out of their faces and a lot happened. I don't regret anything and Im happy. Im not thinking about what could be anymore, Im living in the moment now and I don't care what happens next.


I wonder if animals think we're weird. Like if your dog ever looks at a human and thinks 'gosh you're a fucking weird one'. Okay, its clear to me now. Im drunk. "Ben, Ben, Ben!" I tapped his shoulder until he turned around to look me in the eyes and I just realised how wide his pupils are. "Oh my god you're high!" I started laughing uncontrollably and he laughed with me. "Shh! Its a secret!" I wide smile spread across my face "okay, I won't tell!" I winked at him and then stood up. "I need to pee" I whispered to myself.

I sauntered off to the bathroom walking past Danny who was making out with a groupie in the back lounge. I did my business in the bathroom wondering why I pee so much when drunk. Im a drunken piss pot. I laughed to myself as I washed my hands. Someone came rushing in pinning me against the shower glass door. The taste of his familiar lips on mine, made me realise who it was as I wrapped my legs around his waste. Ben.

I woke up on the bathroom floor lying next to a half naked Ben, not a bad sight, not gonna lie. I sat up leaning against the shower door. "Ugh I feel so rough" Ben mumbled into my bare legs. "Yeah I feel you!" I genuinely feel as if Im about to die. I shuffled about a little slipping my jeans up. I sat on top of Ben, straddling him leaning over the toilet.

Yep, I was just sick, while sitting on top of Ben Bruce. That's rather humiliating. "Nice, now I've literally seen you at you best and worst!" He started thrusting his hips when he's said best. "Oh my god don't I'll be sick again!" He started laughing and sat up shifting me back a little. "If its makes any difference your best is unbelievable" he gave me a seductive wink and I laughed. "Man, its probably the last time this ever happens and you can't tell anyone!" He nodded his head along to what I was saying. "That means Danny and the guys too!" He nodded again raising his eyebrow this time. "Okay I won't!"


Everything goes by so quickly. Looking out of the window and watching the trees, cars and people fly past. Tomorrow is the last night of Warped Tour. Its been a long summer, you're probably thinking 'well, you've fucked Ben again. What about Alex?' Well you see that's the thing. There has been a bunch of people on Twitter talking about 'Taylex' they've been seen holding hands at gigs and at parties together. I don't know what to do anymore. We were meant to be going back to England in 2 days to spend time together. Now I don't even know what Im supposed to feel.

It seems like everything has gone to shit in the past week and I can't control it anymore. Josh sat down opposite me handing me a cup of tea "what's on your mind?" I looked at him gazing into his sympathy ridden eyes. "How much I've lost and ruined" Oh did I mention that mine and Josh's joint birthday party is a week tomorrow? "You haven't lost or ruined anything!" I shook my head at him not letting myself believe that everything is okay. "I lost a really close friend who meant everything to me. I ruined any hope of ever getting want I truly wanted more than anything" I choked back the tears. Im not going to cry again, I don't need to.

"Well, it doesn't matter what has happened this summer because we can forget about it. Its just you and me again Holly. You and me." He patted my leg and stood up walking away. "That's what Im afraid of" I mumbled as he left the room. I don't want to forget about Alex, I don't want it to just be me and Josh. One day Josh will find someone who doesn't compare to anybody else, and they're going to move in together and have a life together. I'll be left behind. On my own because I fuck it all up. I love Josh, I really do and I want him to be happy! I just don't want to be alone.


Home. I've been here for 4 days and it still doesn't feel right. I miss the sun, the isolation, fuck I even miss AA... and Alex. I can't help but wonder what we would be doing right now if he came with me. Josh's birthday was 2 days ago, he's not having a party until Saturday as its my birthday tomorrow we're just having one big party with a shit load of people.

To; BenAA From; Me

Bored! I miss warped, even if I was stuck in a bus the whole time! :( xx

To; Me From; BenAA

Ahaha fucking same guess who got you a birthday present? ;) xx

To; BenAA From; Me

The Pope!?:O What's the point you're in LA? xx

To; Me From; BenAA

Fuck off haha that stingy cunt wouldn't get you nothing! :P Yeah so? Miracles happen y'know xx

To; BenAA From; Me

Not to me mate! Sleepy time, talk soon yeah? xx

To; Me From; BenAA

We'll see. Yeah soon. xx

With that I closed my eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep. When I wake up I'll be 21. One year closer to death.

Josh POV:

I woke up to my phone ringing "Hello?" I didn't check the caller ID as my tired eyes probably wouldn't be able to read it "we just landed. Be there in half an hour." With that I hung up. I stumbled out of bed going for a really quick shower and getting dressed. I headed out the front door making my way to the hotel that I had to be at.

"You're late" A voice called from behind me "A man's got to shower, what was the rush?" They started laughing pulling me into a group hug. "She doesn't know?" I shook my head. I hate lying to Holly or keeping secrets "no she doesn't" they nodded leading me upstairs "does he know yet?" We got to the hotel room before they stopped "no, we're not telling him either!"

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