How Does It Feel?

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Josh POV:

There was a lot of people crammed into one bus leaving half the party outside. Everyone was a little drunk, there wasn't one person sober... Including me.

Holly was across the room messing around and flirting with Alex and I was just sitting by myself enjoying watching everyone else fall about. I took a sip of my drink as Dan sat down next to me "alright Dan?" He nodded his head slowly looking in the same direction that I was.. Holly's direction.

Yeah I still have feelings for her, its not exactly something I can just turn off but she was happy so, so was I. "Does It not piss you off seeing the girl you love suck face with someone else?" I rolled my eyes at a very drunk Dan "a little but its not my business what she does, she's my best friend not my girlfriend" he nodded his head agreeing with me "do you need some water or something you're pretty wasted mate?" I didn't really care what his answer was I got up to get him one anyway.

I gave him his water and went outside for a while. I needed to stay away from the people who knew about how I felt. "Josh mate how's Holly?" Ben. Great."She's good you should ask her yourself" he spinned me around walking back onto the bus and back in to front lounge sitting where I was before. "Well I guess she doesn't want to talk right now" Holly was sitting across the bus still 'sucking face' with Alex as Dan put it "Woah, how does it feel to watch the one you love with someone else?" I rolled my eyes sighing again. "Honestly, Im sick to death of people asking how it feels or if Im okay!! She's my best friend Im fucking fine, she's happy so Im happy" I raised my voice slightly to put my point across I was actually fuming!

Im tired of people asking me how it feels, she's my best friend not my wife!! Luckily she wasn't paying attention, she was in one of her little daydreams blocking out everything around her as Alex had moved and was messing around with Jack.

Holly POV:

Alcohol is a known depressant, so why do people turn to it when they're down? People make a lot of mistakes when they're drunk. They also think more and doubt a lot. Is this why Im drinking? Am I doubting myself?

I was knocked out of my rather intense thinking by Ben straddling me "isn't this meant to be the other way around?" I put my hand up to my mouth immediately realising what I just said "if you want, it can be" he winked at me seductively. Not going to lie, I did find him extremely attractive I mean c'mon its Ben Bruce "that's not even funny" a smile tugged on the side of my lips as I tried not to laugh. "You've done this before and you didn't seem to mind then." I rolled my eyes pushing him to the side "what do you want Ben?"

He crossed his arms and sighed as he settled on the couch "what are you and Alex?" I shrugged my shoulders looking at him. He was a bit wasted I guess, he probably won't remember anything in the morning. "I don't know, we haven't really labelled it yet. Im kind if worried though." He looked at me weirdly squinting his eyes and gesturing me to go on "I mean there are a lot, and I mean a lot of girls that would kill to be in my shoes. My best friend is Josh Franceschi, I've slept with you! Lets be honest who doesn't want to sleep with you? And Im in a kind of relationship thing with Alex Gaskarth. The Alex Gaskarth!" Im the luckiest girl on the planet, but why don't I see it that way. It sounds stupid but I don't really think of them as the famous musicians that everyone else does. I see them for what they are.

I should be overjoyed, ecstatic even, but Im not. Instead Im sitting here wondering why am I in this position? "How does that make you worried though?" He looked so confused, like to the point where I don't know whether its the alcohol or he's genuinely confused. "How many people are going to hate me when they start seeing me and Alex out together and will I lose closeness with Josh?" He put his arm around me comfortingly and I rested my head in the crook of his neck "It doesn't matter what people think, if you're with Alex and you're happy then fuck them. You don't need them. As for Josh, I know for a fact he will always be your best friend, and hey, even if things get rocky between you two you've got so many other friends. Me, the rest of Asking Alexandria, Black Veil Brides, Tony, all of us are you're friends not to mention All Time Low. You're never going to be alone."

Reassurance, that's what he was doing. Right? Making me feel better by reassuring me. "Oh man, have I turned you all soft?!" We started laughing at the dramatic change of subject "Me? Soft? Nah, if it puts things back to normal, if you ever need a random shag, then you know where to come" he winked at me getting up and walking away. I couldn't hold in my laughter, trust Ben to say something like that.

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