Just another fuck?

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Alex Pov:

I know I lied to her but I had to, it's better if she hates me a little rather than love me and no one can judge me because they would do the same thing in this situation even if it breaks two hearts.

My heart sunk when I saw a tear in her eye while she ran past me, I didn't need to be so harsh! No Alex, you did what you had to do, just stop thinking about it! I bet she hates me now. I would too if I was her. I really need to stop having these conversations with myself. "Alex.. Why are you in our bus?" great, I'm standing in You Me At Six's tour bus and they weren't even here, that looks normal "Uhh I was looking for you? Yeah, I was looking for you Josh! How did last night go?" he looked at the ground and walked past me to the couch "Not good man, I couldn't find her, but I'm not going to tell her anymore" I shook my head sitting next to him "If you think its for the best then don't tell her, do what makes you happy. Sometimes its not even about our happiness its about how it affects her too, like you don't want to have a relationship with someone you hardly see right? It wouldn't work, and no matter how much you care about them its just easier if they think otherwise... Wow, look im rambling, just do what you thinks best, I need to go, Jack will be looking for me" did I make it obvious I was talking about Holly? Shit.

Josh Pov:

I watched as Alex walked out of the door. Why was he here, it was obvious he wasn't looking for me, he looked upset, hurt. Who was he talking about, he put a lot of heart into that little speech there is no way he doesn't like anyone at the moment.

I pondered a bit about all of the people he could have been talking about. My jaw dropped in realisation. "Holly" it has to be, it explains why he was here alone why he looked hurt, and why he made the speech so believable. I ran straight out of the bus bumping into Tony "Oh my god, she likes Alex! And he likes her but he thinks that it would be better if she didn't like him so he's pushing her away so it's easy for both of them because they live so far away! But I like her and the look in her eye when she looks at me shows that she kind of likes me too that's why she hasn't said anything because she also doesn't want to ruin what we have, which explains her 'daydreams' when we were back in England when we were talking!! It makes so much sense now! Tony, you have to help me, you need to talk to her and get her to realise that Alex does like her because they're amazing together, even though it sort of annoys me sometimes.." I trailed off looking at Tony, who stared at me in amazement, I hadn't realised how fast I was talking. "Josh, breathe... I can't do anything it's up to them to realise it for themselves"

I sighed leaning against the side of the bus, "But, okay"

Holly Pov:

"Couldn't wait for the party huh?" I sat up taking the covers with me, covering the only bit of dignity I had left. This actually happened! "We, we did it? I just fucked you, and I'm sober, wow, I just reached an all time low" he hit my knee taking offence "Hey! You started this! You should be proud you just bedded Ben Bruce!" We both started laughing while he pulled me down to his level "You could have stopped me" He smiled biting his lip and playing with his piercings "who says I wanted too?" he winked at me and kissed the crook of my neck. "BEN! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU! WE'RE ON IN 10 MINUTES!!!" I heard Danny's voice coming towards his bunk "Shit!" I quickly pulled the covers up over my head and hid seconds before the curtain got ripped open "Really Ben? Really? Another Band whore I assume" he tried pulling down the covers but Ben moved so he couldn't "No, she's not a band whore" He whispered something but I couldn't quite make it out "ah, just hurry up okay!"

He walked off closing the curtain behind him "Why did you hide?" he looked at me his eyebrows furrowed together "because, what if he told someone?" I sounded like a complete bitch "so you're ashamed that you slept with me?" I shook my head instantly raising my hand to his face making him look me in the eye "no Ben, it's just I'm not sure what I've just done right now and need some time to think" he nodded agreeing with me.

I didn't understand why he was being so weird, I mean he sleeps with loads of people all the time, can't this just be another one night stand? "You need to go get ready, I'll come and watch once I'm dressed" he nodded his head slipping out of the bunk, man, he's so gorgeous! I slipped down after him covering myself with the covers that I had dragged down with me. After he slipped on his clothes he planted a kiss on my forehead and left.

I picked up my phone and read a text from Josh "I know everything, where are you?" My heart started to pound and my hands started to sweat, what does he know?

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