Caught Up With Bad Thoughts

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Holly Pov:

Oh my god, I slept with Ben and Josh knows! How did Danny get the chance to tell him before he had to go on stage? I texted Josh back "Meet me outside the bus NOW!" I ran out of Asking Alexandria's bus hoping nobody saw me, praying that nobody saw me! "JOSH!! I'm so sorry I wanted to talk to you about everything, but something happened and I didn't know what to do so I went to Ben, we were messing around earlier and I just thought that maybe, it would clear my head! How does Danny know it was me in Ben's bed!?" He looked at me with his mouth hanging open "What the fuck are you talking about!? You slept with Ben!?" What? I thought he knew, he said he knew everything "pfft no! What do you know?" I punched him lightly on the shoulder trying to shrug off what I just said "Holly!! What about Alex!?" I screwed up my face turning around to walk away "What about Alex?" I kept walking but he followed "Don't give me that shit Holly, I know exactly whats going on"

I lost it, I turned around going on my tip toes to look into his eyes "No, you know what Josh? You don't know anything, everything in my head right now is so fucked up that I don't even understand! I love you Josh, you're like my brother but you treat me like shit sometimes and I don't do anything to deserve it! Then of course I'm falling for some cunt that I only see like once and year and he told me he loved me and then ripped my fucking heart out by saying that it was a drunken mistake and that he didn't mean it! So what did I do? I ran over to Asking Alexandria's tour bus. Why? Because right now, the only one who seems to pay fucking attention to what I want is Ben, Ben Bruce!! The one guy that has probably slept with more girls than I've had hot dinners! I fucked him Josh and you know what I was sober so it wasn't just a drunken mistake and now I'm going to watch him play, then go back with him to his bus and have a party and you know what, I'm that fucked up that I might even fuck him again!"

I turned around after my rant and walked away not looking behind me "Your self destruction isn't going to make things easier Holly! He loves you!" I heard Josh shout in the distance. What does he know? Nothing, he knows nothing.

Josh Pov:

I couldn't believe she slept with Ben! What is wrong with her? She's so pissed off at Alex and she can't even see how much he cares about her! He has so fucked up. I marched over to his tour bus with anger written all over my face "ALEXANDER WILLIAM GASKARTH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" I burst through the door to be greeted but four faces staring up at me all shocked "Josh, what are you talking about?" he stood up walking towards me and ushering me outside "You broke her fucking heart and now... Now she's gone and slept with BEN!!" His face fell and he looked at the ground "why do I care?" I sighed rolling my eyes "How fucking old are you Alex? Cause you need to grow the fuck up! You know as well as I do that you have feelings for her, you cleared that up in your little speech earlier" he looked at me amazed and speechless. "She's really fucking Ben?" I nodded my head slowly, finding it hard to believe myself. "What have I done? This is all my fault this never would have happened if I hadn't been such a prick" I nodded along with what he was saying because, let's face it, it is kind of his fault.

Holly Pov:

I was standing at the side of the stage mouthing the words to A Lesson Never Learned. I couldn't stop thinking about later at the party, did Ben invite Alex or what? I don't want to run into Alex or Josh again today, I've had enough of people thinking they know what I want. I mean what if it's Ben that I want? Or what if it is Alex? It's not their business it's mine I wish they would just fuck off!

Asking Alexandria finished their set and came running towards me, embracing me in a sweaty hug "Eww gross!" the left the hug laughing "You coming to the party then Holly?" James asked putting his arm around me as we made our way back to their tour bus "Yeah, wouldn't miss it for the world!" Danny nudged me and started laughing "Of course she wouldn't, we are her favourite band, for many different reasons other than music, isn't that right?" he looked over to Ben and then back at me. I didn't know what to say, has Ben told him that it was me in his bunk?

Ben Pov:

I shot Danny a death glare, what the fuck is he doing? I told him not to say anything! He's my best mate but come the fuck on, he doesn't have to stir shit all the time. "Danny don't you have to like shower or something!?" he laughed and then walked off into the bus "Sorry about that, he's a bit of a prick sometimes" James, Cameron and Sam followed Danny into the bus, while I stood outside with Holly "you told him?" I nodded my head cautious of what she was going to say next "Oh, uhm, I thought you would" well I wasn't expecting that. She went to walk away "wait! So you're definitely coming later then?" she nodded her head and turned around walking away so I went on the bus.

Holly Pov:

I was walking back to You Me At Six's tour bus hoping that Josh was out or something, I couldn't' face another lecture about what I've done is wrong and blah blah blah. "Holly!" Oh god, I turned around to be greeted by Jack "Hey!" I waved frantically so he wouldn't notice that I didn't really want to talk right now "have you seen Alex? He fucked off earlier and he wont answer his phone" I shook my head "no, I haven't really spoken to him since after your set, If I see him I'll tell him you're looking for him" he sighed and then nodded "Yeah okay thanks!"

I walked onto the bus heading for my bunk with my fingers crossed hoping that I won't bump into anyone. Thankfully I never, so I lay in my bunk and put my earphones in. About 10 minutes later I was joined by someone "What are you doing here?" I pulled my earphones out and turned everything off "don't be like that! I just want to talk, please?" I turned to face him "Fine, you have 5 minutes" I closed my eyes taking a deep breathe before opening them again. I felt his lips touch mine for the first time, I wanted to push him away but I was too caught up in the moment that I'd been waiting for, for three years. His lips taste like alcohol and that's how I know he's drunk.

Our lips parted "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean anything I said, I want to be in love with you forever but I can't because I miss you too much when you're gone. I'm so sorry for being a jerk please forgive me?" I shook my head letting a tear drop onto my pillow "I can't forgive you, I feel like you broke me Alex, we used to be able to talk all night about stupid and meaningless things and now it's like I don't know if you're lying to me anymore. I don't know what to do because, I'm not going to be okay and I know you don't want me to say it but I already think I'm falling in love with you and I don't want this as much as you do but you're drunk and you're probably not going to remember this in the morning and if you do, I swear you better tell me instead of doing what you did earlier because that was just pants that was"

I let out a small laugh not breaking the eye contact that we had "The thing is, I do love you Alex and I would give anything to be with you but the only time I know you're telling me the truth is when you're drunk and that sucks" I put my hand on his face and climbed over him "just get some sleep" I kissed him on the forehead and left him there hoping he remembers this when he wakes up.

Now, I have to attend a party! Lets get fucking wasted!!

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