The Bribe

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I was kind of working on getting every draft that I had published and I totally forgot about this one but I eventually remebered and here it is... Sorry for taking ages!! <3


Danny Pov:

I was normally confident with these types of things but If I fuck up I could lose my girlfriend and or being able to play a Warped Tour ever again. I downed the bottle of beer I had and made my way out to the party. I grabbed another bottle and made my way to the girl in the corner. "Hey beautiful, why are you on your own?" she looked up at me and her jaw dropped, never get used to seeing the surprise in people faces when they realise they are talking to the one and only DSnop. "Oh uhm I'm just thinking that's all" I sat down beside her, "wondering about how my actions really affect other people" woah this girl is deep. I don't think I have the right one "Oh, yeah I know how you feel. What's up?"

She looked at me confused to why I actually care, I guess she's only seen the side to Danny that was a complete jerk. I don't know, I don't really care either I just want to get this over with. "I just pretty much started a fight and then got the other girl kicked out over it" I looked at her pretending that I had no clue what she was talking about "what's so bad about that?" I think my plan is better than Alex's "well if you think about it, all the bands that know her and like her are now going to hate me" she was looking down at her empty cup, which made me think that she might have had a bit too much to drink "Why don't you just get her unbanned? Then they'll like you, in fact they might even consider you a nicer person" I know its bad taking advantage of drunk people, but they don't give very good blowjobs so I'll have to do this my way.

I stood up pulling her up with me "are you going let her leave? Or are you going to become friends with her?" She looked like she was thinking hard... And about five minutes later she finally answered "you're right, I could use her to my advantage. I could bribe her. She has to set me up with Austin Carlile and I'll get her to stay" I couldn't help but interlude in her plan "Holly doesn't know Austin, you're going to have to pick someone else" she slumped back sighing. Like I'd let her anywhere near Austin, he's a good bloke doesn't need her shit. "Okay the what about..." she took another long pause thinking about who's life she's about to destroy "one night with Alex Gaskarth!?" I spat out ny drink jolting forward "What no chance" so much for that blowjob.

Alex POV:

I was pacing back and forth on my bus with Holly sitting next to Jack. Everyone else was out. "Alex will you sit the fuck down, you're creating a draft" how could she be so calm sitting there all smiley. Just as I was about to speak my phone rang "Hello!" I sat down hearing a sigh of relief from both Holly and Jack. "Mate she's too sober, she came up with a plan and the only way she'll get Hols to stay is if she gets one night with you" my mouth dropped and I turned to look at Holly to see her face looking anxious and eager to know what's going on "nah mate, its cool thanks for trying" I hung up and put my head in my hands. There was no way around it now. "Eh hello, what's going on?!" She came over to me kneeling down in front if me "he can't do it and Im not doing the alternative option" she looked confused and put her hands on my knees "Alex, what's the alternative option?"

I shook my head standing up and pacing again "she wants a night with me" Jack stood up rapidly "What the actual fuck!? No chance" in the time that Jack was going if his nut, Holly had walked over to me pulling ne into a tight embrace "its okay Alex" I kissed the top of her head "Im going to go say bye to Josh." She kissed me on the cheek and left.

"What a fucking bitch, how could someone be so bitter!?" I sat down shaking my head resting my head back in my hands "Jack, please be quiet. I know you mean well mate but Im just a little annoyed right now" he came and sat next to me patting me on the back "yeah, sorry Alex Im just shocked. I can't believe after all this time of you pining after her you can't even spend a summer together because of some stupid bimbo!" I looked at him confused and shocked "I didn't pine after her at all" he smiled at me raising an eyebrow "course dude, I mean talking about her non stop is a 100% normal"



another really shitty chapter but Im hopefully going to get back into this one.. plus my Alex feels right now are like wildfire so you never know what might happen. xD

Also I didn't proof read this one so pardon any stupid mistakes.

Comment/Vote/Fan if you liked it would mean the world.

Thanks for reading<3

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