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This chapter is a bit longer than the rest and I really enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoy reading it! xD

I also tried out something else in this chapter...

Sorry for any mistakes /:



Josh POV:

Holly came onto the bus looking at me with her sad eyes, I stood up walking towards her with my arms out. "Oh Holly, what am I going to do with you?" She gave out a weak laugh and I just held her for a while.

"Guys... What if she doesn't leave?" I turned around to face Dan who was awkwardly standing behind me and Holly joined beside me "she'll get kicked out" a smile started to show on his face "yeah but how are they going to know, if she stays on the tour bus?" I looked down at Holly who was standing with her arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed together "wouldn't they check though?" I couldn't help but smile this time.. "Holly, you have your own bunk... The guys only going to check once if you're still here, all you have to do is get in there, and we'll bury you in a shitload of clothes"

Max came running in the bus door out of breath "if you're down with this plan you better hurry he's on his way" we all glanced down at Holly's clothes that were still there. "Shit what about that lot?!" We all ran towards it picking up the suitcase and running towards an empty cupboard "Dan get rid of her shit I'll cover her, Max help Dan!"

Holly climbed up to her bunk which was above Dan's and Chris' and I threw every piece of clothing I could find on top of her "dude I swear to fuck these better be clean!" She held up a pair of Calvin Klein boxers and I started to laugh "yeah they are and what does it matter you're under your duvet" she just laughed "Ow what was that?" I picked up whatever it was up that hit her face "oh sorry it was a shoe" she moved around poking her head out "you threw a shoe at my face!?" I pushed her face back "shh he's coming" she laughed again whispering "that's what she said!" I tried not to laugh as I closed the curtain just as the security guard walked in.

Holly POV:

I held onto my laughter for what seemed like forever "are you sure she is gone?" I heard a deep muffled voice, must have been the security guard "yes sir." Max said mocking his deep posh voice "ugh okay" I heard the bus door close but stayed where I was, there's no way that Im getting out before Josh comes over. I heard the curtain rip open "out you come Holly" I wriggled out from under all the shit that had been piled on top of me. I walked into the front lounge rubbing my face "Josh you're a fucking prick that well hurt!" he just laughed at me wrapping his arms around me "I said sorry I didn't mean to pick up Dan's shoe!"


I woke up lying in the front lounge curled up with Josh, while Dan lay on the floor beside me. "Psst Dan! Psst!" I poked his back several times until he groaned rolling over "whaat?!" He looked at me with his eyes barely open "why are you on the floor?" He sat up looking clueless "I don't know, do you want me to help clear your bunk for you?" I shook my head as he stood up "there's no way Im getting out of his death grip" I let out a small laugh "I'll just stay here with Josh" just as I said that I felt his grip tighten around me. You'd think that it would be weird considering that I was currently spooning with my best friend, but given the fact that we are both 21 and have known each other for 14 years we kind of became really comfortable with each other. "Well I'll see you when we wake up" he walked towards the door taking his top off "Night Holly" I rolled over curling into Josh's chest "night Daniel!"

When I woke up again I was in my bunk and everything was silent which either meant the guys were playing their set or asleep. Being in my bunk meant that Josh had got Dan to carry me when they woke up again, me being the massive heavy sleeper I am never woke up while being lifted. I rolled over feeling under my pillow for my phone and going on Twitter. I had told the guys not to tell anyone I was still here yet, not even Alex.

@SmellyHolly: Such a dire night, don't want to do anything. #IveGotASecret ;)

@AlexAllTimeLow: @SmellyHolly dire isn't even the word! Not in the best of moods hopefully the fans can cheer me up? :(

@SmellyHolly: @AlexAllTimeLow I bet they can!! Look forward to hearing all the positive feedback from your set #LookAliveGaskarth.

@JackAllTimeLow: @SmellyHolly @AlexAllTimeLow Smile because I love you guys!<3

@SmellyHolly: @JackAllTimeLow @AlexAllTimeLow We love you too Jack!!<3

I stumbled out of my bunk walking towards the fridge. "Where the fucks all the juice!?" I decided on a glass of water instead. Bunch of twats here. Someone came in the bus door and I instantly had a heart attack. What if its security? Ahh shit. "Holly!?!" Andy? What the hell is he doing here "Biersack!!" I opened the lounge door with my arms open waiting for a hug. "Woo!" He pulled me into a tight embrace "you're going to have to grow a little I think" a little? Im tiny standing next to Andy I look like a 17 year old. "Yeah Im on your side with this one. How did you know I was still here?" We had moved to be sitting on the couch "Josh told me and I thought you'd be bored so I brought reinforcements...GUYS!!" As he shouted I turned my attention to the bus door and watched as the rest of BVB and AA poured in. "Oh my god, guys!" I got up and greeted them all in a massive group hug "How's my favourite Outlaw?" I got pulled into an individual hug from Ashley "pissed off, please tell me you guys brought beer?" James patted me on the back and put his arm around me "I knew there was something about you I liked" we all sat down talking about a whole load of bullshit and having a laugh. I took to the Twitterverse again.

@SmellyHolly: Today seems to be looking up with a little help from my friends! <3

@AshleyPurdy: @SmellyHolly Always open to help my Purdy girl! ;)

@SmellyHolly: @AshleyPurdy aw love my Outlaw :P

Josh POV:

I finished playing the set and went straight back to one very crowded tour bus. "Joshy!" I really drunk Holly came running towards me trying to keep her balance "Woah Joshy smells bad" her speech was slurred and her hair fell around her face, she looked noticeably drunk. However, she still managed to look perfect "that's what happens when your on stage love, its only 3pm and you're out of your face? Classy Holly, classy" I was slightly worried that she was already pissed but we are at a festival. "Oh is Joshy mad at me? Have I done something wrong?" She pouted at me and made her voice sound slightly upset "just go drink a lot of water Im going for a shower and when I come out you're going for one, okay?" I led her through to the lounge sitting her next to Andy. I got her a glass of water and looked at a sober Andy and Danny "please don't let her drink anymore, at least not until its only plausible time to be drunk" they nodded their heads in sync "we got mate she ain't going nowhere."

When I came out of the shower and got dressed I went through to the lounge looking around "where's Holly!?" They pointed towards her bunk "we got her sober, turns out it was a bad idea" I walked towards it. I opened the curtain slowly to reveal her face that was damp from tears "Im sorry Josh" I rested my head in my hands looking into her eyes "there's no need to be sorry sweetheart, why are you crying?" She sat up patting the bed beside her so I hopped in "everything turned to shit and its my fault. I got into a fight because my pride and my ego was damaged, you have no idea how much hate I get by people who want to be in my position and they deserve it more. Not to mention that my almost 'thing' with Alex is practically over before it started"

She nuzzled her way under my arm and was now crying into my chest, I didn't know what to say to make her feel better so I just held her until she fell asleep.

I slipped out of her bunk putting her duvet over her. I went and joined everyone and took my phone out calling someone who might be able to help me.



Rather longer than the others but different I hope you like it.. I do so :D

I'll be updating this one a lot more hopefully!! :) I made up her Twitter name and I thought that it was nothing different so it might happen a bit.

Thanks for reading!!

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