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We walked the woods as our feet started dragging. We've been walking for more than probably four hours if my old watch was right who knows?
Kayla and Jenna are still in the back chatting up the storm. Finn and Steve are in front of me being idiots and messing around with lizards they find.
Anna is over by them trying to get them to leave the poor things alone
Here I am.
Bored out of my mind.
Why did this have to happen I mean I used to be fine being alone, I was always okay being alone, and now that I am. I feel all weird.
I hate this feeling

I lay down on the couch of the house
Steve and Anna are on a pile of blankets on the floor and Finn is on the loveseat. Kayla and Jenna are upstairs.
I can't sleep I don't know why. I've lost the ability to sleep I've tried so many times, like closing my eyes or pretending to sleep I've tried those and here I am an hour later after trying. I'm struggling out here.
Maybe it's them maybe I'm just under a lot of stress.

Why'd I have to stumble into them, I mean they kinda stumbled into me. Wait no they kidnapped me. I was ready to die and they had to save me, then when I tried getting away, Kayla chased me down like a maniac. where's my free will out here.
Maybe I should go I mean I'd be fine.
It is night though
What do I do, I mean I'd be fine if I leave

I look at the group, they're all fast asleep if I'm gonna do this nows the time. I get up quietly and grab my stuff, would be more if that asshole didn't take my bag. At least I still have my flashlight and knife. Stupid.
I open the door and lock it behind me insuring their safety for the morning. I look at my watch it's exactly three.  
Time to get a move on. I take a deep breath and step off the porch and onto the road ahead.

Finns POV

We woke up from banging on the window, just a stupid walker.
Steve gets up and goes to take care of it
Soon Kayla and Jenna come down and storm the kitchen for food. Luckily they found some soup.
We sit at the table and go to eat the cold soup. I look at Steve then Anna then both Kayla and Jenna at the same time. Then it came to me.
"Guys where's y/n"
I ask as I take a sip of my soup,
So nasty and cold.

"Good question"
Steve responds as he looks around
"She probably left which is a good thing"
Kayla says, full on attitude making us roll our eyes.
"Don't be rude"
Anna says as she gets up, checking the house. I get up with Steve and going out to check outside.

"She might've actually left"
Steve says as we entered back into the house after checking outside.
"Why'd she leave, I thought she was enjoying being here with us"
Kind of sad, I enjoyed her being here with us even though it wasn't even a full week.
I mean I don't blame her for leaving, Kayla was always at her skin and she got her bag stolen by Jason and so many other things I probably don't even know.
She's safer with us though, being alone is dangerous.

Y/ns pov

I take the knife out of the walkers skull before continuing on
My energy running on low due to me not getting any sleep last night.
I haven't made it far even though it's been about two hours since I left.
My feet aching, honestly everything's aching right now. My head hurts due to lack of water and sleep. My whole body aches because I'm suffering.

I kinda miss hearing Kayla nag at me, miss Finn and Steve being idiots and Anna trying to stop them. Whatever, shut up it's better this way. I should be alone because its natural. I don't want to experience any more loss. I already lost my parents, I don't need to make friends to lose them too. 

They can't blame me for thinking about their feelings I mean they have each other they don't need one more extra person eating their food or complaining all the time. I mean they already have Kayla.
So technically I'm not being selfish I'm being thoughtful of my thoughts and their feelings. So I'm doing a favor

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