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I zip up the grey jumpsuit, fixing them at my ankle when I put my damaged leather boots on. I then attend to my bed, making it before slumping on it in preparation for having to get to my morning duties; of serving breakfast to the civilians. I look over to Anna on the other bed, she's getting into her jumpsuit. I watch as she gently runs her fingers over her name tag that was previously embroidered. Such a weird texture it leaves for me. I watch outside the window of our "apartment" children waking up and parents telling them to not stray too close to the fences. A bell chimes a few seconds into my surveying, chiming me to get to the cafeteria for breakfast serving.

I move the boxes off the counters and into the storage room. Ms Madge then puts my hair up in my hair net. She rubs my cheek before walking away. I sigh before grabbing the food trays and setting them into the warming trays. The others go and open the cafeteria doors letting the civillians know that breakfast is good to be served. I then get to my situation and prepare to start giving my portion of the food on trays and give them to the next lady for her to give hers, and then down the line until someone picks it up. It all looks like mush, fresh eggs from the farm, carrots and peas mushed together, and some beans, a substitute for bacon. I don't complain, I always get to eat after I'm done serving before my next job anyway, most food that I've gotten my hands on since the apocalypse started or whatever you wanna name it.

People go by, saying their thanks and giving their smiles. I don't look up much just stare as I serve my side of the trays. I slap away the flies that have conjured around me, as i do i look in front of me and see him, I see finn. I haven't seen him since the day we got here. Which was about 60 days ago. They've kept us busy, they don't let the workers realy linger around or have much to do outside of eat, sleep and work. I stare at him, and he stares back, they must have changed him to A serve instead of B. Otherwise I would have seen him. I only work A. While all the others eat during B. I only see Anna since she's my roomate but the others I haven't seen much of at all. They only see eachother during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
"Finn" Is all I get out of my mouth before he is told to get a move on, he just stares as he walks away getting his food tray.

I take the hair net off putting it in my locker in the back cafeteria along with my apron. I rub my eyes and my temple before getting a move on to help with the children in the makeshift library. I fix my hair and put it back up and out of my face. I say bye to madge and put my food tray in the washing station before heading out the back doors. I walk out and into the crowds of kids and civillians, of mothers and fathers playing with their kids. Mothers don't have to work duties past a certain age. taking care of their childrens the work. It's something the baord agreed on, it's very sweet. I enter the library where kids are already sat on the carpet for reading time. I give my greetings before going to a shelf and finding a book we haven't read yet. I grab one and sit at my chair next to the carpet as I wait for more kids. This job isn't much of one. This is kid reading time. For kids who's parents are working or just need a break. I pull the book off my lap and open to the first page. "This book is called "Alice in The Wonderland."

Ms. Madge is helping the kids write their Abcs. While I help the other kids do their numbers.
"Ms. y/l/n, when are my parents coming back"
Tommy asks, breaking my heart into little pieces. Tommy's parents won't be coming back, they were runners, they went out and got the supplies. A few weeks ago there was a casuality and they were bombared by flesh eaters. Tommy's now an orphan, the adults tried telling him in the best way but hes only six, he doesn't comprehend why they aren't coming back, why he can't play with the flesh eaters. Why they hurt people. I stare at him, sincere spread all over my face. I go with the story im told to go with. "They're busy helping people right now, i'm sure they miss you very much Tommy" I softly say before rubbing his shoudler. He smiles up at me and giggles. "likes superman!?" I smile and laugh with him "yes tommy like superman" We go back to do our numbers and coloring before two soldiers walk in. "y/l/n". I look up at them and assure Tommy to keep working. "you're being stationed as a runner, you start in an hour, meet in the station to get geared up" they briefed before walking out leaving me with questions. I look over at Madge who is staring at me with concern in her eyes.

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