A New Path

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We pick up pace as her scream pitches.
"Help me"
She pleads
We reach her and she's on the ground with one of those things right on top of her.
Her knife is five feet away
I go from behind and Jab my knife into the skull. It goes limp falling right on top of Anna.
She pushes it off and Steven pulls her to her feet. Embracing her in a tight hug.
She's crying.
I think he is too.

I grab her knife and hand it to her.
She then pulls me into a hug.
Thanking me for saving her.
"Of course, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you"
I smile at her
As I pull away she punches my shoulder playfully
"You'd die of boredom"
She laughs

We all pack our gear into the car and head back on our road trip.
I'm no longer driving. Finn is.
I look at Jenna in the rear view mirror.
She has this miserable look on her face.
She's at least accompanied by Steve and Anna. They're in the middle seats while Kayla and other little shit are in the way back. Where they belong. Like heavy old annoying baggage.
Well besides James. Whom I forgot about because he's slouched back. Poor dude.

"Are we there yet my ass is starting to hurt"
Chance says with a groan
Once again she's being pushy. We have stopped so many times because of her.
"Hey guys wait what's that sign up there."
Steven points to a big sign on the side of the road. It's covered in blue spray paint. Words spread across. I can't make them out until we get closer.

'Safe haven 1,500 miles'

Chance screams
Her screaming gives me a headache
"We are in a closed space can you not scream"
Anna says as she sends a glare her way
"Whatever I just wanna get out of this car, we'd probably have a way better chance at surviving there than with y/n"

I roll my eyes at her statement.
Like she was surviving before she found us?
Her whole involvement has been a inconvenience to me and maybe the rest of us. I know for sure she's been one for Jenna. Jenna and Kayla were all over each other. Then Chance came along and boom. I never liked Kayla not even when she and Jenna were whatever they were. But now I just despie her.

"Oh shut up"
I yell.
"Okay guys let's just calm down. Let's take a vote."
James calls all in favor for going to this haven thing. They all besides Kayla and Chance, reluctantly look at me. Waiting for my vote.
"I think it'd be worth a shot?"
Finn looks at me and shrugs his shoulders
I stay silent reluctant as they are.
"What do we have to lose"
Steven adds on
I don't know my will to live.
I finally have a crew again and now they wanna go to this place with more people. My crews big enough. Why do I need more?
I rub my eyes and groan.
"Okay fine"
They cheer

I wake up from a nap. Finns in the back sleeping and Stevens driving.
I groan as I stretch my limbs out as far as possible. I rotate my neck. Hearing a pop here and there. Feels good. Gonna probably feel the soreness from the position I was in.
As I'm getting comfortable. In the silence I hear a muffled noise. Like keychains but machinery.
Next thing I know Stevens looking at me and then back at the gas. The car starts to shake a bit and slows. Soon coming to a full stop.
The cars given all its got.

I let out a long sign and kick the dash.
Soon the others wake up. Probably forced awake by the noticeable stopping of the vehicle.
"What happened"
Finn says through a yawn
"The battery died I'm guessing. I doubt we used all of the gas that we've collected"
I rub my fingers along my temples
"Okay um I say we just hang here. Sleep, take shifts and once we are all replenished of our sleep we begin our journey to the haven"

"Sounds good I guess boss"
I just know that was back handed. 'Boss'? The fuck is that supposed to mean? Is she insisting I'm bossy? I'm just giving a solution. If they wanna get to the safe haven then we're gonna have to go eventually. And this cars not gonna cut it. It can even go and inch at this point. I'd search for gas but who knows where the next gas station is. And if there was any gas left to collect.
"Steven go to sleep I'll take first shift"
I tell him
He nods and let's out a yawn on que
"I'll stay up with you"
Finn smiles at me

Steven switches spots with Finn. We lock the doors and cover them. Hoping that if we were to be spotted somehow  they wouldn't have any guns on them.
"This is going to be fun"
I grab a piece of lose receipts on the floor. I entertain myself by shredding it with my knife.

"So how was your sleep"
He asks
Putting his full attention on me.
I can't help but smile as our eyes lock.
"It was as good as it can get in such a cramped space."

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