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I drive the eight-seater car that we stole, from the group. By we I mean me, James helped but if we're being honest I mostly carried.
Besides that, it's been stressful but I just need to deal with it I can't leave like last time.
I have to get used to the feeling of being around a lot of people again.
Finn is sitting in the passenger seat.
In the back are Steve, Anna, and Jenna
Then in the way back is Chance and Kayla.
We tried to have Chance sit by Anna and Steve but Kayla and Chance insisted that she sit by Kayla.
Which is obvious why.
They've been making out since we left which was a while ago.
We don't even have music to drown the noise out.
The noise just makes me wanna pull aside and strangle both of them.
Maybe even crash into a tree.
shall I do it?

I'm still debating

I was containing my anger until I heard Kayla giggle.
In my rearview mirror, I could see them just going at it eating each other's faces.
I push on my breaks and look back at them.
I give them the death glare.
They shortly pull away noticing we've come to a stop.
Kayla says with a bit of sass.
Everyone in the cars staring at them.

"Will you two stop face fucking while we are in the car"
I say politely hoping they'd agree because of my kindness.
Chance replies and Kayla smirks
I felt a big of anger bite at my skin.
I take a deep breath and then turn back around.
I don't start the car or do anything I just stare forward.
Steve calls out for me.
All I do is stare forward.
Trying to calm myself down.
It's not that serious I know people make out when they like each other or whatever but I'm already stressed and annoyed about everything. Every little noise seems to piss me off or make me want to cry.

I take a deep breath and then let it out.
I then breathe normally and start the car
I start driving while the rest just look at me concerned.
It didn't take long for Kayla and Chance to start making out again but I didn't let it get to me, I just faced forward and paid attention to my surroundings.

We stopped at a gas station collecting as much as possible. I collected supplies when I hear moaning from the storage room. I grab my gun and head inside pushing the door open. I see Kayla and Chance, doing something?
'Come on'
I think to myself
I close the door and head back to filling my bag up with supplies.
"I hate everything"
Jenna let's out a sigh as she picks up a case of water
"You'll find someone who actually treats you right eventually Jenna, it's the apocalypse, worry about surviving with us, rather than who's gonna go down on you"
I pat her back and head to the car.
I pack up the car and everyone gets in, we had to wait a while for Chance and Kayla.
I swear to god i'm gonna kill them.

"Hey do you think maybe we can stop. I have to pee so badly. "
Chance repeats for the seventh time.
I give in and pull to the side of the road.
Chance gets out and goes somewhere to pee.
what if i just leave her. I just drive away and dont stop for her to catch up with us?
..... Just kidding..?

Kayla soon gets out as she persists she also has to pee.
"Maybe we should all go, so we dont have to stop again"
Steve exclaims
"okay fine, but let's make it quick"
I get out and grab my knife and my handy hand sanitizer I found in the drug store.
It has a cute little unicorn on it.

I finish and pull my pants up. I then make my way back to the car.
I suddenly hear a loud scream. It peirces my ears. I quickly grab my knife out of my pocket and run towards to scream.
I bump into Steve as he is heading to the scream as well.
"I think that was Anna" Steve says in a frantic tone
"Im sure shes okay"
I say to reassure him.
I hope she is okay.

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