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I look at them confused as the people leave the car and stand in front of it just smirking.
"What do you want jason"
Anna says with sass and annoyance.
"Nothing, we just stumbled across you guys. Since we're here mind telling us who fresh meat is"
He says as he looks at me, a smirk across his face.
"I'm y/n"
I smile
They must be their friends.
"Hi y/n I'm jason"
"And we're leaving come on y/n"
Finn interrupts before I could say anything. He grabs my shoulder and goes to walk away.
"Hey no need to rush I was just getting to know your new friend"

Jason says while staring me down
I get uncomfortable and rub my arms.
Anna clears her throat noticing that I'm uncomfortable
"We should actually get going before it gets dark."
Anna says as she steps in front of me
Jason looks at the people behind him and gestures his head towards me.
"So y/n, why don't you just join us and leave"
He gestures at Finn and the others before continuing
He finishes

"Didn't have a choice to leave they kinda just took me in"
I respond while shrugging.
"Well join us, we'll keep you safer"
He responds with a snark
"I'm good, they are great to be with"
I smile and then lay my left arm on Anna's right shoulder and my right on Finn's left.
"You're gonna regret it"
"No I won't"
"What's in the bag"
He says as he points to the bag full of food and water I just collected.

"None of your business"
Steve says out loud
Jason gestures his head to the bag and his friends push them away trying to grab the bag from me.
"Let go"
I say holding onto the bag but they push my bag.
I fall to the ground
Hitting the back of my shoulder.

"Look at all this food and water"
Jason says with a big grin.
Steve and Finn help me up.
I go to grab the bag but one of jason's friends grabs my wrist and pushes it away
"We'll be taking this"
Jason says as he closes the bag
I yell at the top of my lungs
I put my hands in fists and go to punch jason but his friends take out guns and point them at us.
I put my hands up in defense
"Okay you win"
I say fastly and in a shakey tone as the fear in me spikes up

"Do the right thing and keep moving"
Jason says
I nod and we slowly walk back.
Jason gesture for his friends to put the guns down.
We walk into the woods so we can get away from them.
"What the fuck"
I say out loud as we get away from them.
"Y/n it's fine we'll find more food and water"
Kayla says with a sarcastic tone

"I worked my ass off for that water, I was BOMBARDED BY FLESH EATERS"
I yell at Kayla making her flinch
Finn grabs my arm and pulls me towards him.
"Y/n it's alright, WE know how hard you worked for it so we'll get it this time"
Finn says as he rubs my back
Kayla gives me the death stare.
We keep walking but Jenna and Kayla stay behind. Probably talking shit.

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