A Chance

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I fall to my knees as I kneel by the river filling my jug with water to boil.
As I stand, I hear a branch snapping in the distance.
I put the jug away grabbing out my knife.

I walk back into the woods looking to find a clear area to set up a fire for my water.
 I put a cloth over a cloth on top of a little pot that I collected. I pour my water in so it can filter.
I grab the clothing and shake off any leaves and dirt.

I sit back watching the fire.
The odd sensation of being watched bites at me. I look around and see nothing but tall trees and leaves falling to the ground.
I sigh and watch as the water starts to boil
I then hear sticks snap in the distance, I quickly get up and look around.
I look around and see someone in the distance it was that guy that stole my backpack. what was his name again?
Jason. The stupid asshole.

Finns Pov

We walk into the convenience store getting as much supplies as we can. I go through the meds isle as the others get food and water. Putting the meds in my bag, I hear footsteps in the storage room. I grab my knife out, going over slowly to the door. I slow turn the knob and back up. Nothing came, I queitly make my way inside. Taking small steps.
I look behind a shelf and see a girl trying to hide her face hidden. I feel a rush of excitement hoping it's y/n
"please don't hurt me."
she pleads
her voice sounding terrified.

it doesn't sound like y/n
"I won't hurt you I promise"
i walk slowly towards her.
"come with us we will protect you, it's dangerous to be alone"
she questions me
she gets up slowly
i can finally see her face and it's not y/n i feel a rush of sadness i knew when i saw her in the beginning but i really wanted it to be her.
"are you okay" i ask her.
she nods.

she brushes the dirt off her knees.
why would someone wear shorts during this time pants are safer.
"follow me"
I lead her to the med isle and grab supplies of medicine. Steve then goes to the cashier and yells for us.
"come on"
i then go to Steve like everyone else does.
"guys um this is..."
i point to the girl not knowing her name
"great another orphan who will steal our supplies"
Kayla replies as she slings a bag over her shoulder.
"ignore her she's just grumpy"
i whisper to Chance
"well Chance i'll just have to ask you three questions and you can join"
I let Steve do his thing while I went to Kayla and Jenna
"why are you so mean"
I ask her with a rude tone
"i'm not i'm just the only one who wants to survive instead of taking in useless people"
"y/n was not useless"
she yells in my face
"do you see her anywhere"
she yelled in my face and questioned me.

"Chance isn't useless, you are. All you do is wanna relax which makes us lose time"
I yell back at her, Steve and Chance walk next to us.
"she's good"
Steve says quietly and awkwardly.
"wrong time"
Chance asks
"no everything is perfectly fine"
Jenna replies
i roll my eyes as Kayla flips me off.
we start walking.
"are we ever gonna get out of the woods, where in the middle of nowhere"
Kayla complains like she usually does
"it's safer"
Steve replies with an annoyed tone.
she sighs and we keep walking down the roads surrounded by thick long trees.

I don't wanna pay much attention to Chance. she might also leave, No matter how much i dislike her. Kayla was half right y/n isn't here but y/n isn't useless I bet she's doing something badass right now like getting supplies with a herd of walkers right next to her as she escapes them.
I smile as I imagine her doing it. I mean she already did but hopefully she successfully escapes which she will cause, she's y/n.
ew what am I doing I barely knew her for a week.
my thoughts stop as Chance pokes me.
"you okay buddy"
she asks and i look at her and smile
"yeah thanks for asking"
she nods
"no problem"

Y/n's Pov

"leave me alone"
"you have to help me"
his eyes are full of tears. he walks closer to me causing me to back up
"with what Jason"
"all of them are dead, they were killed by a group"
my heart sunk
"who were they"
"i-i don't know but they had a whole truck full of guns and there was so many of them"
he stutters as he chokes on tears.
"please i lost everybody"
my empathetic heart wants to help but i know he isn't a good person. I do need his help to find the group. If they killed his friends they might find Finn and the others.

"okay, but you have to help me find the others before they do"
"yes of course"
he smiles through his tears.
"great let's go"
"don't forget the water"
"right, but we will have to find supplies cause boiling water is a pain and you'll be the one to collect the stuff, you're still an ass for stealing"

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