The Convenience Store

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I wake up to whispering. My eyes get better after being blurry for a little.
I blink a few times. My vision becomes clear.
I sit up and see a grew of people looking at me.
Three girls and two boys.
I panic and go for my gun but it's gone.
"Don't worry we're not gonna hurt you"
One of the girls says.
"Where is my stuff"
I say with fear in my voice but try to have it pass off as demanding and with force.
"We have them, but first you need to answer questions".
One of the boys says to me.
He comes close and kneels beside me keeping a few feet distance between us.

"I'm Steve, your name is"
I respond. My voice is shaking.
"How old are you"
He nods
"Do you have a group"
I shake my head no
"What happened"

I look around, I gulp as I see them all stare at me.
"My parents, they were ambushed"
I see his face turn from stern to empathetic.
They all say in sync
I shrug
"How long have you been alone"
I shrug again not knowing the actual answer to the question

He nods and sighs
"How many people have you killed"
"None, my parents did all the work and all they did was kill one person who tried killing us"
He gave me more of a sorry look
"If you want you can join us"
I nod.
"I'll think about it".
He smiles at my response. He gets up and gestures for the rest to meet him in a room.

I see my knife sitting on the table. I look at it then back at the door. I get up and grab it. I run out the door, running as fast as I can.

Finn's pov

While we discuss if she should join us or not we hear the door open.
"Told you we couldn't trust that bitch"
Kayla yells at us and takes off. We all go running out the door.
Kayla catches up to y/n but y/n is much faster.
Soon Kayla tackles her

We all run to them seeing y/n under Kayla. Kayla's holding y/ns arms behind her back.
"Why couldn't you wait"
She yells in her ear.
"Why does it matter"
Kayla gets off of her.

Y/ns pov

As I was running, I heard someone yell at me and then seconds later I was tackled.
The girl sat on top of me holding my arms behind my back.
Honestly I don't know why they wont allow me to leave.

She got off of me and I got up. I put my hair back, before wiping sweat off my forehead.
"I guess I don't have a choice to join you guys"
I glare looking at Steve
"I guess so"
He responds.
I grab my knife from the ground before getting up and clenching my jaw.

We sit around the table eating the cold canned soups.
"Thanks for the food"
I say as I finished chewing.
"You finished that fast"
One of the girls says.
"I haven't eaten in months"
The boy with curly hair says with a cute smile
"What's your guys names"
I ask as I look at them
"I'm Kayla, this is Jenna, that's Finn, that's Anna and that's well you know steve"
She says as she points at each and every one of them

I smile and throw the can away
"I'm gonna sleep if you guys don't mind"
I say and they all nod and say good night.
I lay down on the mattress before immeditatly crashing as sleep takes me.

We walk along the road, usually a few flesh eaters come by and I take care of them. All they did is stand there sometimes, which leaves me to question their survival instincts.
"Guys there's a group of walkers over there"
Anna yells out
I question them
"That's what you guys call them"
I add on
They all nod
"What do you call them"
Finn asks me
"Flesh eaters, but I'm gonna start calling them walkers now"
I laugh

We walk to a convenience store.
I grab Steve's shoulder before he goes to open the door
I pound on the window
A few seconds later and group of walkers come to the front.
"Everyone stand back"
I say I go to open the door before Finn grabs my hand.
"We don't have experience killing so much at once"
He says as fear fills his eyes .
I nod taking a look inside. I'm not leaving without those supplies.

"Fine wait here and distract them"
I run to the back and find a door. I open it and make my way to the front.
I see them look at me and then they start distracting them by making noise.
I grab the supplies that are eatable plus the water bottles. I stuff them in my backpack before accidentally knocking over a few cans.

Finn's pov

We wait outside trying to distract them. Then we see y/n inside
"What is she doing"
Anna says.
We all start banging the windows and yelling.
"Is she trying to kill herself"
I say to them as I bang the windows.
All of a sudden they start turning around.
"Hey assholes"
I yell out banging the window harder.
"We have to do something"
Jenna calls out

Y/ns pov

I make my way into the storage room blocking the door with some shelves.
The walkers start scratching the door some sticking their arms through the crack.
I open the boxes. Barely a few cans but enough to add to the my bag.
I fill the bag with watter bottles
I still need to find a way out before they make their way in. They're slowing opening a bit of the door moving the shelf away little by little.

I look around to see a window. It's to up high for me to easily get out.
I look around, trying to find something that could help me, id move the shelf but its too heavy and the other is my temporary barricade. I then find boxes that arent too heavy for me to move but could definetly hold me up and help me out of the window. I quickly assist my plan and move the boxes under the small tight window. 

I mount the boxes carefully and open the window.
I throw the backpack out.
I start to crawl out. All the way til my torso. That's when I hear them come in. I feel one grab my leg I start kicking. I grab the side of the walls and start to push.
I scream out loud.
I pull more as they continue trying to bite my foot but I keep kicking.
Soon the group comes and Steve and Finn grab my arms and pull me.
I drop down, Anna and Finn catch me
"Thank you guys"

They put me down and I grab my backpack.
"That was crazy"
Jenna screams.
Finn starts looking at my legs for bites and scratches.
He finishes and smiles
"All good but don't do that again, you could of gotten bit"
He hits my arm softly
"I'm fine"
I chuckle
"Plus I got tons of water and food"
I add and open up the backpack
"Damn okay y/n"
Steve and Anna say

"Thanks y/n but don't risk your life again"
Finn says with a caring tone.
"I won't I promise"
I look at all of them and notice Kayla giving me a dirty look.
Brushing it off I sling the backpack back over my shoulder

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