Gear up

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I wake back up alerted by Anna shaking and tapping me repeatedly. 
"hey wake up" 
I groan as I stretch and flutter my eyes open. 
"What up"
"The guards are outside wanting to talk to you"
I quickly get up and throw some clothes over my undergarments.
I quickly get to the door of the small apartment. 
"yes how can I help you"
"Mcgee, wants you geared up, there's been a situation, he will explain it to you when you get to the station"

I nod in response before shutting the door and getting my outside jumpsuit on.
"is everything okay"
Anna says worriedly as she twiddles her fingers.
"I don't know, I'll let you know when we get back" 
I try to say calmly to her. I know how much she stresses whenever I run with the others. Last month I showed up with a huge cut on the back of my leg and she struggled to sleep. She was so worried. I'm pretty sure she would feel if I was breathing when I would sleep. 
I hug her and kiss her on the cheek before walking out of our 'apartment'.

I quickly get into my gear when I get to the station. I close my locker and stand nearby when I hear McGee call for our attention. 
"We have a situation, today we had..... one of ours attacked by another community. I know you guys are just runners but we need more guards and you guys have been promoted to be guards as well. You will need to be put in training so we can take further actions with"
He says with a long sigh. Grief shows on his face. All I can think about is how bad I feel for whoever was attacked. My mind also goes to those guys who Jason and I took down a while back. Seeing Finn for the first time again, and how excited I was to see him.
"alright everyone follow me to the training center" 

And it was like that for the next month, training 24/7. Wake up. Eat. train. Sleep. Repeat. over and over again. 
I got my guard gear after a month of training. I even got my Ak. I was even trained on how to use it. I guess I wasnt truly using it correctly. After that. The schedule was, Wake up. Eat. Get into our guard stations, which would always change, somedays i'm next to the gate of the community and others I just walk my route around the community. I only got yelled at once by Major Willis for being to leniant on the civilians when they are breaking laws like loitering when theyre supoosed to be working, so now I have to make sure to give citations. Then we'd train before night time. Well a little less training and a little more staying fit. Upside, I have some sick abs coming in and some muscles in my arms. We don't go back to our houses til really late after training. Each night Anna stays waiting for me. She tells me all about how she recieved another letter from Steve since they don't see eachother much. And then she expresses her worries for me before we head off for bed.

I feel the heat beating on me, im suited up in guard gear and a helmet. My arms are tired from holding the Ak. Right now i'm taking my route around the community. I miss my cafeteria, and teaching job. I miss my life before this. I'm grateful for getting such an important position and keeping the people safe but, it's taking the little bit of life that I have left out of me. 
"back off me!"
"i told you these were my supplies, I won them fair and square"
I look over to two men rustling over a box
The man drops the box and takes a swing at the other. Next thing they're beating on eachother. I quickly get over to them and order them to break it up. But they dont. I try to get the one on top off of the other but he's persitent. I again try to make my authority known and order for them to quit or there will be consequences. They don't stop so I get my baton and wack the guys arm hard enough to let him know he should stop but not enough to do any harm. I then have the ability to throw the guy off but he quickly pushes me onto the ground 'causing my helmet to fall off. He then topples over me and starts throwing punches. I then do my defnse move by wrapping my legs around his waist and grabbing his arms pulling them down which makes him squirm. I flip us over and start returning the punches. 

A crowd of people circle around us, I give one more swing before getting up. I look around as people look at me with terrified expressions on their faces.
I give an orderly shout to the crowd and they quickly get back to their jobs.

I grab my helmet putting it back on and grab my baton and sling the Ak back around to the front of myself. I give the two men citations and have them both taken to the infirmary.
I hear Major Willis behind me. I turn around and stand while I wait for him to get closer.
"Yes Sir?"
"Y/l/n, why don't you go home and take the rest of the day off, good work today." 

I look at the blood running down the drain as I shower and all the brusies on my body from training and from the beating I took on. I stare at the floor before turning the faucet off. I wrap the towel around my and wrap my hair in a towel before stepping out and in front of the foggy mirror. I wipe away the fog and look at the cuts and appearing bruises on my face. I can't shake off the looks those people had when they stared at me. They were scared of me and I hate that. I can't live with that feeling or that knowledge.

I sit on my bed in my lounge clothes while crotcheting a blanket that I haven't been able to finish. I started it back when I was working the cafeteria but then I became a runner and blah blah blah, was too busy to finish it or even do it for that matter. I've lost a lot being here. I hear the door opening and Anna rushing over to me and jumping on top of me while she cries her eyes out. All I hear is the mumlbing of her saying shes glad im okay and how she heard of my incident. I run my fingers through her hair and give her affirmations of my safety and wellness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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