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It's been six days. Still pouring rain and still surrounded by welcoming death. My stomach aches from hunger. We've already eaten our collectives and scraps.
We are on a water ration.
Taking only sips every couple of hours.
Dying from those things outside would probably be better than these hunger pains.
We try to make the best of it. Making up games to distract us. Taking turns sleeping to pass the hours.
Sometimes we don't speak for maybe hours. Too busy collecting our thoughts on the situation.

I'm playing with a piece of straw. When the dust abrupted my twiddling fell onto my head from above.
The hay from the balcony of the barn is falling between the cracks of the floor.
I stare for a while when I finally see Chance and Kayla.
"I think my dinner from three days ago is gonna come up"
I gag
Anna comes to me and looks at the scene in confusion
Then she sees it
"What the fuck. do they not have any respect for the rest of us"
We walk over to Steve and Finn and tell them. We decide to keep it from Jenna to not cause her to be more miserable.

The next day is followed by an argument from Anna and Kayla. Anna threatens to kick Kayla out if she and Chance don't fix their act. Things get pretty heated when Chance pulls a knife on Anna. I know it's all bark no bite but still had me on the edge. Luckily Steve was nearby and would easily hold Chance and Kayla down at the same time.
I thought that was the end of it but then they had gotten into a physical fight. Good thing no weapons were involved but Anna for sure fucked Chance up.

I lie on the stack of hay. Going in and out of conscious. I awake by the sound of loud gunshots in the distance and the back barn door being pounded on and voices of grown men telling us they are here to help us.
I quickly grab my items and hurry to the others.
"We don't know if we can trust them"
I move Chance's hand from the boards that are keeping them from coming inside.
"What other choice do we have, die from those things or die from these strangers"
She protests
We quickly agree to a vote.

We remove the wood boards and open the barn doors. A group of soldiers are standing in the rain. Some shoot down the things as they come close.
They hurry and herd us into vans.

Apocalypse (Reader × Finn Wolfhard)Where stories live. Discover now