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We are about half an hour into a long walking journey to the haven. Even though it's been half an hour. The others are already sluggish. I don't blame them they haven't done much walking since the apocalypse started. Sheltered. Away from chaos that wouldn't make them have to walk. As for Chance? Who knows what she was up to before we found her. She does look less sluggish so I'm assuming she's been around. How else would she have survived? Doubt she was hiding all this time in that store's storage closet.

Then I look at Jenna. She looks worse than usual. Chance and Kayla are taking more of a toll on that poor girl than I thought. She hasn't eaten. Which isn't good since we need her to have as much energy as she can. She's better with a knife than the others.
I look ahead and see a medium-sized boulder on the side of the road.
It looks like a good spot to sit and rest for a while.

Slowly we walk toward it and sit down
I sit on the rock alongside Jenna and Anna. The others sit around on the ground.
We all have a knife out. Some backs turned to the woods and others turned against the road watching between the trees. Jenna, Anna, and I watch both the road and between the trees.
I hear sighs of relief as some stretch out their limbs.

"I'm starving let's eat, yeah?"
I say as I open my backpack and toss everyone a soup can.
They all eagerly grab the cans and open them immediately digging in
scarfing down on what the cans hold.
I do exactly the same. Minutes even seconds later I'm finished. Trying my best to savage the remains in the cans. Dipping my fingers and licking the soup that comes off. I throw the can somewhere. I look to my left. Looking at Jenna eyeing the contents in the can. Then I hear giggling.

I look towards Kayla and Chance. Giggling and whispering. I see Chance look towards Jenna as Kayla whispers something. Something definitely about Jenna. God it's the apocalypse and they still manage to gossip. Jenna then hands Anna her can of soup and gets up and walks away
Still in eye distance. Back to the soup Anna's small set body does definitely need it but Jenna also does too. Anna hesitantly looks at the soup and back at Jenna.
I assure Anna to eat it and that when Jenna's ready to eat that she can, that I have an extra soup in my backpack.

Anna and I give eye contact communication. Looking back and fourth at each other then Kayla and Chance. Like our own little language knowing when we get the chance. We will debrief.
"Eat enough?"
Kayla giggles clearly talking about Anna as she just finished her second serving of soup. Tossing it to the side.
We all blankly stare at Kayla. Chance giggling along with her.
Never thought I'd wanna take a swing at someone. But in this moment. The urge is just overpowering all the moral decisions I should take.

The statement that came out of Kayla's mouth weren't even fair. 'Eat enough'
Jenna gave it to her.
It's not like Anna took it upon herself to grab more. Anna needs it. She even looks like she's gone months without food. Kayla and her were together before I came along. They were with each other before the apocalypse and yet Kayla looks like she had an unfair advantage to food than Anna. she has no reason to talk. Kayla is at least one-thirty
Anna on the other hand.
Ninety at best

Maybe it's envy or just pure spite.
The quiet tension lingers in the air. All this wide space between the trees. The width of the road between where they stand. Yet I feel so suffocated.
I look at Anna, her eyes are full of tears. Some falling down her face and onto the collar of her shirt.
'Don't take it personal."
Kayla says rolling her eyes
"God sensitive much"
Chance adds on
Giving the tension an even more suffocating tone.
"You two shut up"

Steven says as he gets up and throws his can at them. He comes toward Anna and grabs her hand helping her up.
"Let's get walking shall we"
He continues on
Finn and I get up and follow. We join Jenna and tell her everything. I look behind us and see them laughing and possibly gossiping.
God why can't they just pull a me and abandon us while we are sleeping.
At least once we get there they can separate from us.
"God they're awful"

We finally reach a big field. Out in the overgrown weeds and grass. One of those things stumbling around. So far away. It'd be of no use going and putting it down.
It's now sun down.
We're exhausted.
We experienced rain two hours before.
We're freezing.
Our now damp and sluggish bodies just need the ability to sleep.
Sleeping would be amazing.
Up in the distance is the Silhouette of a building.
Desperate for the warmth of walls.
My jaw is aching from the chattering of my teeth.
I hear the others sniffling.

I hear a scream from behind I look towards the noise and see someone running from outside the tall grass. A zombie falling right on top of them. I stand in shock as I see it bite into her neck. The others standing as well in shock.

I quickly look away from her being teared up and close my eyes. Seconds later I open them. I'm  curled up in a ball. Sobbing my eyes out. Alone in the woods. How'd I get back here, wheres the others. I take a look around trying to call out for them but nothing comes out. A backpack is laying in front of me. It's covered in blood. I have my moms necklace clutched in my hands. A spotless watch, lies on top of the backpack. Its my dad's watch and his bag. It's now drenched by blood and some matter I can't really comprehend what it is. 

I open my eyes when Finn's shaking me. Screaming my name telling me it's time to run. It's all unclear, unfamiliar, dissociative. I feel him grab my hand and pull me. My legs move along. I look back and see the once intact human now pulled to pieces. Their screams make it even more unfathomable. The agony.
I see more of those things fall out of the grass.
I look to my left and there's more.
Their screams are drawing them in.
Next thing I know I'm being shoved into a barn.
Finn sits me down on hay. I see them all run to gather things to secure the entrances.
I come to my senses and begin to help.

They all take a sigh of relief. We begin to calm down but it was cut short by scratching on the barn doors and faint moans and groans coming from the things.
"God please let this be over soon"
"They'll go away eventually"
I assure Anna
"They'll get distracted by something"
Finn adds

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