The Honk

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"My feet hurt"
Kayla complains again as she has for a few hours now.
"Your feet hurt? we're all holding heavy bags with canned food while you're not holding anything"
I snark at her, shooting her a death stare.

"Look newbie just because you got us the food doesn't mean you need to be an ass"
She spits at me, she aggravates me so much and I barely know her.
I look in the back to see Steve and Finn talking. Anna and Jenna are also in the back. I'm stuck with her.

"I'm not an ass or trying to be, we just have to move on schedule or we will be out here in the dark"
I walk faster leaving her behind. I hear her groan.

We head into the empty barn as insisted by Steve because again Kayla was being a big baby but it is a place to stay for the night.
"I'll be on the lookout you guys sleep"
I sit down on the hay bales as the rest lay down. Jenna finishes locking up the doors and lays down next to Kayla. My thoughts get cut off by Finn sitting next to me

"Hey Finn"
I smile at him
"Ugh the hays poking my ass"
he laugh as he pulls some hay off of me
"Shouldn't you get some sleep"
I question
"Yes but I'm gonna stay with you, I wouldn't want you falling asleep would I?"
He smiles at me
"That's so nice of you, so what are we gonna do for the next eight hours"
I raise an eyebrow at him waiting with anticipation.

"Well, we are in the apocalypse so no video games so we'll just have to play card games"
He replies as he reveals a deck of cards he keeps in his bag
"How old are you Finn"
He replies. I smile more.
"What was life like for you before you know this"
He stares into my eyes sending butterflies into my stomach.

"Not much, I mean I was doing acting  I was into music, overall just doing teenage boy stuff"
He replies
"How about you"
He adds sending me into saddness, feeling as if my life wasn't as good as his
"Well I actually wanted to do acting just never got the chance. I'm also into music I played the bass guitar. I did art a lot I was getting good at it til I just stopped overall. Looks like we have stuff in common"

I smile at him before getting all nervous and looking at my fingers.
"How long have you been alone"
He asks with a hesitant tone
"About six or seven months I stopped counting after three"
I then hear him sigh
"I'm so sorry"
He then starts rubbing my back.
I sit up straight and look at him
"Stop being so nice"
He then looks confused at me.
"Um sorry"
He then stops rubbing my back

"No it's just that nobody has ever been this nice to me at least not guys, they always want something from me"
I sigh and criss cross my legs
"I want you to survive with me that's what I want from you"
I then blush at his reply
"Shut up"
I say as I grab a piece of hay and throw it at him.
"agh, I think some flew into my eye"

"May I lay my head on your shoulder"

I ask him with a smile
He nods and I lay my head on it.
"Do you ever think about your friends and if they're alive or not or am I just weird"
"I do sometimes, but I don't want to know the truth"
He says with an upset tone.
"It sucks, I used to watch zombie movies all the time. The ones that told you zombies didn't exist and they were just brain eaters but these are so much scarier"

He nods
"One scratch and you're done for"
I sigh
"This is gonna be a long night"


I wake up with my head on Finn's shoulder.
"Ugh my neck"
I complain as I sit up and move my head around.
Finn says smiling at me. His eye bags are all dark, poor guy I fell asleep leaving him to do the night watch
"Sorry I fell asleep"
I say standing up and stretching.
"It's fine, I kinda wanted you to. You are our strongest person in the group"
He says standing up next to me
"What a compliment I wish everyone in this group saw that"
I say glaring at Kayla who's snuggling up to Jenna.

"She's just difficult, when Steve, Anna and I joined the group she wasalso a bitch"
I smile in relief
"That makes me feel better"
He chuckles and I make my way to them
"Wake up"
I yell out, receiving groans
"To early"
"It's like one pm"
I say to steve kicking him softly in the side.
He gets up as do the others.
We grab our stuff and head out

"My back is killing me"
Jenna says as she holds her it.
"Here I'll hold your bag"
I say and she smiles handing me her bag. I sling the bag over my other shoulder and we keep walking. Kayla shoots a glare at me.
I sigh and walk over to her pulling her aside
"Here you hold her bag, I just want whatever you're holding against me to go away i've done nothing to you so please give me a break"
I say as I hand her the bag.

She grabs the bag from me not responding to my statement. I walk off going back to the group. We kept walking til we were stopped by honking coming from behind us. we turn around to see a group of four smirking at us.
All of them say.
I say in a confused tone.

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