We meet again

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Y/ns Pov

"y/n was here"
I wrote on the wall of the store.
"There wasn't much here just some medicine and bandages."
Jason says behind me as he shoves supplies into his backpack.
I sigh throwing my bag onto my shoulder and taking a look around.
Empty shelves topped with nothing but dust and useless items.

"We need food, Jason."
I say angrily feeling my stomach rumble. I hadn't eaten in five weeks which was when I was with the others.
"I know but we're in the middle of nowhere there's not another store for another ten miles."
"We need a car"
We exit the store and into the parking lot
Jason yells at me as he starts a car.

I yell as I run to the car
I push him aside and hop into the driver seat
He gets in the passenger side and buckles up.
"Do you even know how to drive"
"No I never even got my license but this should be easy"
I say as I start the engine
"Please don't drive crazy we only have so much gas"

Finns Pov

Chance and Kayla are weirdly being friendly with each other. Can't believe Kayla isn't being a whole bitch to her.
I continue checking the kitchen pantry. Not much that can be scavanged.

"Guys there's nothing here we have to go"
I say as I enter the room they're all sitting in.
"Just wait a little longer Finn we're relaxing"
Kayla says as her and Chance giggle
I see Jenna look at them with envy in her eyes.
I know Jenna has a thing for Kayla I still haven't figured out if Kayla feels the same but Kaylas not a bitch to her like she is to everyone else so I just suspect that Kayla feels the same. Now Chance is here Kaylas being all nice to her too.

Which makes my blood boil because Chance is new here and when y/n was here Kayla was a bitch to her. Now she wants to be all kind and sweet to the new comers.
"Kayla times out we got to go we have barely any food and water and we need to get to a new location before it's sun down"
I grab my stuff with Jenna, Steve and Anna following me.
"Fine whatever"
Kayla says as she gets up with Chance and grabs her stuff with a bit of attitude in her movements.

Y/ns pov

I refilled the gas and leave the jug on the ground
I get back in the car and Jason's sleeping.
I start the car and drive off.
I wish there was music, driving in silence is sometimes calm but it gets annoying to me 'cause I need the noise.
I miss being alone but I also miss being with Finn and the group except Kayla. Kaylas an ass but at the same time I'd probably care for her and help her if she were to need me.
I guess that could mean I care for her but I don't I just have a lot of sympathy. It's one of my best traits that I got from my father. My mother was the brave one between the two.
Having sympathy for bitchy people sucks.

Finns Pov

We make it out of the woods and get to a convenience store.
They go inside while I stay back with Steve to guard the outside. Hopefully they find stuff or we're screwed.
"Guys I think you should come see this"
Jenna yells for us
Steve and I look at each other.
We turn around and go inside.
I go to them and they're looking at a wall.
'Y/n was here'
I feel my heart sink.
A rush of happiness and excitement rushes through my body giving me butterflies.

"Great she's still alive"
Kayla says sarcastically.
"Don't be such a fucking dick"
I say in return to her comment.
"Who's y/n"
Chance asks as she looks at me
"She's this girl we found before we found you"
"Yeah but she left us like the useful person she is"
Kayla says as she glares at me
I roll my eyes and ignore her comment.
"Let's go there's nothing here she took everything already"
Kayla walks away with Chance following behind her

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