The girl

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I hold my side as it begins to ache.
'fuck this'
I groan as I force myself into the abandoned house
I grab my pocket knife out as a flesh eater comes tumbling down the stairs.
I then force the knife into their skull. They drop down and I get the knife out.
I wipe the knife on my pants. I lock the door and lay down on the couch.

My side aches so much I feel like I'm gonna faint.

Finn's pov

It's been a couple of days now. We're moving slower than before. We haven't eaten food in a few days all the houses we've been to are empty.
"Maybe we just need to settle somewhere we can't keep moving"
Jenna complains
"We're would we settle, walkers are everywhere"
Jason yells at Jenna and she groans out loud.

"We're gonna die out here"
Kayla sticks up for Jenna. Jason stops walking causing us all to stop.
"If you wanna go settle then go settle we don't need you guys."
Jason shoots an evil eye at them.
Jenna grabs her stuff and walks away with Kayla following.

"Anyone else want to go."
my best friend Steve looks at me and so does Anna. I nod and we grab our stuff and follow after Jenna and Kayla.
"Fine, fuck you guys!"

Y/ns pov

I make my way out the door. Still holding onto my side as it continues to ache in pain. I have to keep moving just like my parents told me to. A sharp pain kicks in causing me to drop to the floor.
'It hurts so much'
I think to myself as I lay on the empty road.
I sit up. The sun in my eyes, I see figures in the distance. Flesh eaters. There's five of them.
I sigh and get up walking to the other direction.

My head starts pounding like crazy. My body is failing me. My head feels like it's spinning. That's when I feel my legs give in and I fall to the floor. 'ow'
I lay on my back facing up to the sky, the sun makes my eyes burn but it feels nice on my skin.
If this is how it ends then so be it.

Finn's pov

"You guys didn't have to come"
Jenna says to us.
"We couldn't let you guys go alone, plus we wouldn't want to be left with jason"
Steve responds as he stares at the ground.
"Jason's an ass, it's about time we get away from him"
They laugh at my response.

Kayla says in a concerned tone
We all look at her as she points to someone on the ground. What or whoever it was they got up and walked away holding onto their side.
We all look at each other and walk after them.

They walk a few more steps then fall into the ground again.
We run making our way to them, before seeing them passed out.
"Grab onto her, we'll settle in the house right here"
Steve and I grab her. Me holding her arms and him holding her legs.

We get inside the house after checking for walkers. Jenna tied the door shut.
We put the girl onto the mattress that was in the living room.
I kneel down and check for bites or scratches.
"She's good"
I tell them. After Jenna secures all the entries we check the pantries.
Kayla says as she finds a chocolate bar
"Imagine how old that is"
Steve laughs
"Old or not it's chocolate"
Kayla opens it and takes a bite.
She hums and smiles.
"Still good"

I put the cans of food into our empty food bag.
"Not a lot but there's still enough for us for a week"
Anna exclaims
"What about the girl"
I ask
"Who says she's joining us"
Anna says with a snarky tone.
"Don't be rude"
I go and sit on the couch keeping and eye on her.

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